Yes! My partner & I started co-working on our passion projects in our free time together. Bonus: after a few hours we have cool new stuff to talk about with each other
Living the dream, especially if you don't like each others pizzas and chocolates.
My partner hates mint choc and dark choc, and I dislike his fave cookie, and we hate each others pizzas so we never "steal" the last of the others treats or leftovers.
Me and Cuddles spend most days right next to each other, doing different things, and stopping to chat or watch something for a bit or share a show or movie or whatever. It's awesome 🙂 I never thought I'd find this, and it's wonderful. I'm so glad you both found it too
*looks at self, online and watching MSNBC*
Oh yeah. It makes sense. ❤️
Same here.
My partner hates mint choc and dark choc, and I dislike his fave cookie, and we hate each others pizzas so we never "steal" the last of the others treats or leftovers.