PSA: It’s not okay to bash writers for sharing links to their works on Amazon.
I know Amazon is shitty but it’s not on writers who are just trying to survive to change a whole distribution system that is deeply ingrained, no matter how bad that system is.
I know Amazon is shitty but it’s not on writers who are just trying to survive to change a whole distribution system that is deeply ingrained, no matter how bad that system is.
Remember to punch 👊 upwards, never down.
FWIW--taking a cue from a friend--I do a little "what I'm reading" bit in my newsletter, and rather than automatically linking to the Amazon page for the book, I now link to instead. Making it one step easier for my peeps to support local bookstores--Many don't know it even exists.
Form a movement, get together and support a competitor, get an alternative and people will follow.
Create a change
Don’t just roll over and say you can’t do anything about it
If not most of your books will soon be banned if you let them
My post was about people screaming at writers on social media when their publishers put their books on Amazon.
Not a lot of followers 🙄
Will need to get pushing by some positive influencers and some people with insight in publishing should choose best alternative to support. It worked for Bluesky and is working for DuckduckGo
And fascist governments hate writers, especially marginalised wrtiers, so please be kind to them ❤️
Is there a way to stop links when we use a period as punctuation?
Look 👆
And 👇
At some point the X goes away I guess
Plus, this boycott is ineffective anyway. It would need to catch on with the wider public to be effective, and it isn't going to.
So why torture individuals about it.
Make your own choice but don’t defend Bezos.
Final point, writers would be much better if people spent money at any bookseller that isn’t Amazon, especially local bookstores.
Was the "why is it when something happens it's always you three"
Replaced Harry, Ron, and Hermione with Cloudflare, AWS, and Google Cloud Platform.
Was no room for DNS,
But it's similar with Substack – seeing people with tens of thousands of readers continue to grease a techfash platform cause the margins are a bit better is calloutworthy.
But there *was* a book we couldn’t get through our local bookstore last month, and we were able to on Amazon.