On Monday, Iceland celebrates Bolludagur, or Bun Day.
And you know what? There is nothing stopping you from doing so too. All you need is sweet buns filled with cream and to spank someone, preferably while they are still in bed.
And you know what? There is nothing stopping you from doing so too. All you need is sweet buns filled with cream and to spank someone, preferably while they are still in bed.
But no spanking involved I think, not until juhannus = Midsummer in the sauna with freshly cut, leafy birch twigs 😉
(This statistic is obviously going to rise as our population gains more immigrants.)
Reminds me of the Twitter exchange where I saw Iceland's only forensic pathologist being set up for a slot at Iceland Noir. Then watched his interview (he was brilliant) and found I was sitting facing the woman who initiated that Twitter exchange.
I love Iceland!
Sem sýslumannssonur vantaði mig alltaf betra orð og endaði a County Administrator!
Enda voru þeir auðvitað meira en bara lögreglustjórar.