I don’t think there’s better evidence I can give for the decline of civic values in America than the unflinching embrace of unjustified wars of conquest that would take hundreds or thousands of lives for literally no reason—coming from people who think we should just throw Ukraine to the wolves
There's an argument to be made that W killed the U.S. and everything that follows is just death throes. The public supported the deficit-funded invasion of Iraq for its blood-sport of "killing sand-n****rs"
Meanwhile, the county is actually united in cheering the death of a CEO as if he were the 21st hijacker.
MAGA has no fucking clue what they're sitting atop of. They're on a particular kind of speedrun.
For the sake of all us, I hope you can.
My brother in arms, you have to keep reading. What happened next?
Not because the US is special or good or anything but because it’s collapse would mean an unimaginable worldwide crisis that would kill millions.
So many of MAGA policy will hurt its own people disproportionately.
(Sadly minorities will be targeted too).
It's been 8 years. We can only repeat the Maya Angelou quote so many times.
I can't exclude targeted assassinations.
“Bringing value to the respective polities”
what will it take to wake up the rubes