#Harris2024 More laughter definitely would not hurt this world because there are too many Freaks & Creeps 🤬 trying to crush democracy with all their hate & revenge!
I knew it. I knew one of our community would realize how easy this one was lol. Hyenas are cool as fuck. Comparing her to one is not the slam dunk they think it is.
Hyenas are both incredibly durable and laugh when they're about to attack. In other words, every Republican is about to get ate, no matter how bad they struggle.
I got it! He's a Squonk! A creature so ugly that they physically hurt to look at. They're always crying out loud. They make anyone who's around them too long miserable. And when backed into a corner, it dissolves into a puddle of tears [on social media]
She looks like I'd expect of both Kamala Harris and a yeen - assertive, smart, snarky and overall cool as blue. Way to go to turn the right's stupid memes against them. I'm a 50-odd white dude, and I *couldn't be happier* to vote for Kamala Harris for President.
Matriarchal society.
Men at bottom of social heirarchy.
Terrifying bite strength.
It's the inverse of the social structure the GOP has worked so hard to create.
As an unrelated tangent: they can be surprisingly friendly:
This also means heck, now my autistic ass is automatically voting for her because furry propaganda works.
What a queen
Perfect 😂
Thank you for the amazing piece lol
But yeah, he's like a walking, talking turd. An orange turd. To borrow from the movie "Dogma" he'd be some sort of horrible excremental.
(furry voter base intensifies)
“And how do you know about those?”
“Er…well….I….what’s that over there?”
👇 👇 👇
Trust me, I WILL find out!
Don't crop out the watermark, don't remove the watermark.
Please and thank you.
in all seriousness, this is an amazing piece X3
Maybe I'll sell them in my shop, but my intention for making Kamalayeen was for fun, not money. x3
Gotta love the YeenQueen!
I love this tho, you made her beautiful!
however yeen kamala is amazing
I'm loving that this has happened.