Not a concert, per se. Sleep Token was playing at a festival near me, and I almost got to see them, but they were basically the last act up and I had work in the morning.
Friends went to the Sziget festival in Budapest one year. I didn’t go and Prince was a surprise act. Next year I went and the surprise act was some Euro-pop rubbish. Never got the chance to see Prince before he died
The Civil Wars, January 2012 at the Brown Theater in Louisville, Kentucky.
The amount of regret I have for missing them perform live has resulted in a "Civil Wars Rule" for concert-going: I go to any concert I have even the smallest interest in their music.
I missed Neil Young in Minneapolis because the night before I saw Bod Dylan in Kansas City on the street legal tour. And couldn't afford to drive to both. Lol
Prince at Leeds Arena. Already had tickets to see White Denim the same night so didn't bother getting tickets. Thought "I'll catch him next time" 😪
White Denim were good tho!!
I could have seen Nirvana in January 1994, but chose not to due to being a first year college student focusing on my studies. I justified it by thinking I'd see them the next time they went on tour. Well, as we all know, Kurt Cobain passed away about three months later...
High Voltage - more of a Prog festival and I thought have a day on my own. Missed Hackett, ELP, Marillion with h, Joe Elliot, Bonamassa, UFO so not a disaster 😂😂
I don’t know if this is concert, but Olivia Newton John in Vegas. I was there monthly for work, had chance but thought “I’ll be here all year”. Unfortunately she would not.
When Wolf Alice started gigging, they played Portsmouth. A fan already I planned to go alone that night. A last minute change meant I missed the show. Have bought tickets since but still haven't seen them due to various reasons, holidays, hospital, work etc. One day.......
The amount of regret I have for missing them perform live has resulted in a "Civil Wars Rule" for concert-going: I go to any concert I have even the smallest interest in their music.
2.Little Feat w/Lowell George
3.The Clash
White Denim were good tho!!
I've seen him a few times- and I got to see Bo Diddly open for him. Lemme just say...tough act to follow.
This one.
Too young to have seen Thin Lizzy.
Did that teenage 'nah, can't be bothered' thing.