Sent out a PDF of my new book along with an offer to help retailers with promotion and a direct line to reach me if there was anything I could do to help.
Took bets with some creator friends how many email responses it would take before someone told me to go fuck myself. The answer may shock you!
Took bets with some creator friends how many email responses it would take before someone told me to go fuck myself. The answer may shock you!
I'll say it again if you send me a link, but this time only in a gentle, loving way.
You're on timeout for 3 days.
But there are always about a half a dozen who make sure you know they hate you. And that's a wild way to start any day.
Oh well. Not a big deal.
But also, we're trying to be helpful!
And I am relatively sure that people don't actually *need* my comics but I really appreciate it.