“You’re so lucky I wish I could sit around all day”
Every disabled person hears this at some point in their lives
Disability is NOT a vacation. It’s an unrelenting full time. No evenings or weekends off. No OT. No manager you can complain to
It’s a constant fight for dignity, care & survival
Every disabled person hears this at some point in their lives
Disability is NOT a vacation. It’s an unrelenting full time. No evenings or weekends off. No OT. No manager you can complain to
It’s a constant fight for dignity, care & survival
"Yeah," I replied, "It's awesome."
I'm still waiting for my VA disability.
I can’t even walk to the corner to catch a bus. I have to depend on friends and family for rides. I don’t ask often but they get annoyed the 2 times a month I might ask.
That’s. It.
Honestly whomever says this to you and you explain this isn’t just for fun only for them to get offended, leave. They do not care about you or your needs and will disrespect you at every turn.
My shit's mental, so I don't even bother telling people in person 'cause they won't believe me anyway.
I have brief reprieves in hot weather, i almost feel normal but a cool change hits me like a brick and i'm back to sub normal again.
When it’s hot I can do loads (for me).
When it’s cold I can’t move.