There’s measles outbreaks in multiple States now, and every time a new cluster is announced there’s an exposure at an ER
Why? Because that’s where the sick people go
It’s one of the reasons disabled people often say they won’t go to the ER unless literally dying.
They’re not safe places for us:
Why? Because that’s where the sick people go
It’s one of the reasons disabled people often say they won’t go to the ER unless literally dying.
They’re not safe places for us:
Just read through the comments. Tons of people that I do not know sharing the SAME sentiment. This is a systemic problem
Trying to maintain health, mental health, & not worsen chronic issues should be supported by all. Yet we're thrown to the wolves every time
I almost got kicked out of an ER because, while having a migraine and a bad reaction to chemo at 2am, I snapped at a drug addict for being an annoying prick.
Never been back since.
Unstable angina is a drag, sometimes you think it really is a heart attack.
Still horrified that I walked by ER and saw unmasked elderly people in ER during worst of flu this winter. 😔
It’s shameful that people are put in the position of weighing risk of necessary procedures vs getting sick. 🤬