“Behold, this is the field in which I plant my fucks…”
But, seriously…you have few fucks to give, because you’re feeling quite content and satisfied about the life you’re currently living. Not that it cant improve, of course! But it’s perfectly awesome to sit back and enjoy what we have.
You may have been on an emotional rollercoaster and this card is your sign to try to find some balance and calmness right now. This isn’t the time to push; this is the time to pause and let things be for a bit.
There is something important to learn, know, or understand regarding your past. There’s some dream or wish you had as a child that the adult you has the responsibility to manifest in some shape or form.
Stand in your integrity and be ready to defend yourself against those who may place pressure on you at this time. This may also represent *perceived* pressures or pressures from within. Courage is needed in this moment.
This is a reminder to go with the flow - to know you are loved by the Universe and that you are whole and complete just as you are. You may also be closing out a cycle or project.
Following the path to our goal will ensure that the obstacles and doubts don’t keep us in a state of misunderstanding or fear. The full moon’s glow will light the way.
But, seriously…you have few fucks to give, because you’re feeling quite content and satisfied about the life you’re currently living. Not that it cant improve, of course! But it’s perfectly awesome to sit back and enjoy what we have.
Thanks for this reading! 💐
Seriously, it’s okay to be vulnerable, to make the first move, to offer, to take the lead in a fulfilling endeavor.