My eldest daughter is planning a trip to NZ with a friend. They were looking at flights a few weeks ago & her friend was seemingly genuinely puzzled when they were looking at San Francisco as a stopover.
I never got very far with RYA navigation but seeing friends plotting great circle routes on a flat chart for Ocean Yachtmaster qualifications looked quite cool.
My brother-in-law used to have a yacht and he'd take me (when I was a kid; my sister and him were much older) out on trips. He'd teach me navigation, call signs, morse etc. I loved it.
Damn, they're right. It also proves the Earth is flat. What a fool I've been, Moon landings my arse. I've seen the light MAGA! Note for the hard of thinking, do not take this seriously.
By 1941, all of Europe was occupied by bad guys.
The Japanese bad guys flew across China and Europe unmolested, then across the Atlantic entering the Pacific over poorly protected Panama.
On to Pearl Harbor and the rest is history...
If real (??) , must ensure globes π in every school classroom and home school