GDP is not supposed to be a measurement of everyday middle class purchasing power, so that’s not surprising. It is supposed to be a measurement of the value of total goods and services produced within a country, which include things produced by the government.
Musk is showing off his ignorance again. Exactly why he overpaid for Twitter as a forum for his abject stupidity about politics, economics, and space exploration.
In addition
Govt spending DOES make peoples lives better in measurable ways. But even the measurable ways - it goes right back into the economy and people’s spending on products and services.
It’s like he never went to school-
Oh wait…
Many, many of us realised that the adoration surrounding the Seth Efrikaan Nazi was nothing more than a cult quite a few years ago. It became increasingly clear he was nothing more than a drug-addled ego-maniacal moron when he falsely accused the British diver who rescued the Thai kids.
Everyone saying that Musk doesn’t know what he’s doing is way too generous. He is a malignancy who knows how to pad his wealth at the expense of others. He doesn’t give a damn how government functions. He is simply extracting more wealth for billionaires.
Is he simple or something? The whole point of sane government is to spend money on “things which make people’s life better”… this is why we bother with government in a first place.
Yet another example that Musk is too dumb to realize what he doesn't know. Contact your Republican reps. Remind them that not only is Musk malicious, he isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
What a chode.
Govt spending DOES make peoples lives better in measurable ways. But even the measurable ways - it goes right back into the economy and people’s spending on products and services.
It’s like he never went to school-
Oh wait…
The nays have it.
And those are the white, straight, mediocre men that he likes.
For the rest of us, he would gladly slaughter us by any method available.
Fascist b*stard.