What a dick. Chris Christie has some shitty policy views, but I kinda like him as a person. He stood up against tfg when none of the other candidates would.
Ironically, trump is the glutton who downs multiple quarter pounders and fries on a daily basis. he tries to hide it with a girdle and ill-fitting suits.
Don’t give Trump credit. He is not smart enough to make these but sleazy enough to post them. This looks like something Elon Musk made up. He is very immature using Ai for crap like this and his Ai conspiracy theories he posts
Who knows? That's the problem, a POTUS who won't stop bothering us, because his cult just wants to see posts, not even by him, like babbling to a baby.
Seeing this photo reminds me of the photo of Trump and RFK Junior and some other fucks sitting on a plane eating McDonalds. We know how RFK feel about processed food. My therory is: If RFK eats the McDonalds it shows he is loyal to, fuck head Trump. Thoughts?
Oralè Resisters
Shaking down Oligarchs must not be fun as shaking
Red grannies to the ground!
The Grifter that keeps on Grifting! Unbelievable
Copy- Well we suspect that McDicks "likely" has donated to his campaign in someway so maybe this is a paid advertisement? Does Trumplethinskin wear a 4x muscle shirt with "BODY BY two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun"? -Paste
This is 100% SOILD PROOF that the new and millions times worse entitled embolden, pompous one can successfully project what he knows is this is the image everyone sees as him and he thinks he can just make it disappear with all of his new "power.'
This is the low standard for Trump but every other President has been held to a way higher standard. America will never be the same after Trump is done his term, that is if he leaves.
Definitely a case of infantile #BSOverload. This is another fine example of the Projectionist in Chief at work. He was probably dreaming of this exact scenario when he got the idea that this would make a good post from our president elect.
Yup. Feels like old times. And he’s not even president yet, which means (you know this one)“ the best is yet to come”. Which, to be clear, is really bad.
Hey, if it prompts his followers to not aim lasers at, or shoot at "Drones" who are pilots saving lives, because they might be MickyD's drones delivering food to Dear Leader, I'm OK with that.
The MAGAt Cult of domestic terrorist traitors elected the worst pedophile rapist felon traitor con man in American history. As far as I'm concerned THEY ARE CRIMINALS right along with their Fuhrer.
Every American bears responsibility for the outcome of any election. Blame MAGA all you want but their existence is the collective failure of the people of America.
I think what he means by this post is that HE (DJT) is responsible for all the drones with all the McDs ordering he does out of his Bedminster golf club
He's a middle school bully...always has been, always will be! And he was elected by the middle school bullies who blame everyone else for their crappy situation!
Make no mistake about it, THIS is the ONLY thing they elected him to do. They only want him to represent them with juvenile entertainment. He has free rein to screw them over & enrich/empower himself as long as he entertains them.
How long was that sitting after it had been made before it was eaten? Can you imagine how terrible it was? McD's has a longer shelf life than 🌮🔔, but the difference is measured in minutes.
If not related to official presidential duties, could posting this be grounds for a defamation lawsuit? I was under the impression that he's not immune from civil lawsuits for personal conduct. Also, he's not President yet, so...
Dumpsterfire ain't a fvck, he's a God-damned MONSTER! He's destroying Democracy and America while the average clueless person looks away. He's looting the GREAT ECONOMY Joe Biden created. jes' sayin'
I wish this was not real…. But our future President actually posted this???? For some reason I feel like crying…. It’s horrifying that this cruel, childish person is President…
In the eyes of countries outside the US, there’s this kind of deep seated horror of what the US has done to itself. The next four years will be appalling.
Classic, find that part of yourself that you don’t like, but rejoice in finding it in others. It does not create separation in fact you are linking more strongly with others burdened by the same thought, Trump must carry the burden of Atlas
Kinda picked the right body shape though.
Shaking down Oligarchs must not be fun as shaking
Red grannies to the ground!
The Grifter that keeps on Grifting! Unbelievable
His fantasy
such projection, no self awareness, no shame.
Surely they must have at least one.
Or maybe not
AGAINST their Community DOUBLE Standards
Send a message to META
Make it trend please
delivering that sh,*t
sorry writing down
He is “deep state”
He is “the enemy within”
When Agent Orange is “telling it like it is” he is telling on himself, his followers are just too blind to see it.
Once again the poster forgets: when you point your finger at someone, 3 fingers are pointing back at you.
Can someone please tell RFK jr the polio vaccine is the key ingredient in Trump’s spray tan?
Just photoshop Trump's face on it.
We have to rewrite the McDonald’s commercial song
ACROSS. I bought this T shirt.