The view when your friends are getting catfished by people you can prove aren't who they say they are because they're using stolen profile pics and names.
But then the catfish convinces them that they lied about their identity because they're secret agents or some bs.
A mark will become the con's confederate - doing their best to ignore red flags and explain away any inconsistencies. Otherwise they have to admit that they're being conned. And once in... that's a hard truth to face. It kneecaps self-image.
Extracting a mark must offer an ego-saving way out.
I actually told someone not to vote for Trump and gave several reasons .
He stays mad at me all the time.
Told me to mind my business.
I'm saying it is my business to tell him but it's like talking to a brick wall.
He is dumb!
Oh, those people are no longer my friends as they cut me off cold. I admit I would enjoy seeing them pay massive consequences for their votes. Each one deserves it for being a racist, a misogynist, or subverting democracy by supporting a felon, traitor, & rapist.
Great message. What are tips for applying this. Never set out to change their mind. If they think you are, their defenses go up. Listen to them. Have them feel heard. Ask where they got their information (without saying the source is lame). Just raise the question about judging sources. Other tips?
Then s/he was never was your friend. People need to learn to be more selective when choosing people into their lives. I don't have many friends, but the one's I have, I know I can trust. I have many acquaintances but few friends.
Can you please use #AltText when posting images? It leaves out the blind/visually impaired/visually disabled community and we would love to join in. We feel left out and it is super easy to include us.
It's TRUE!
That is one of the many reasons I stopped talking to people who have disappeared me with their weird Qanon ideas. I told them a few times what I thought & now I see they have been brainwashed & they will not listen to any reasoning. So I have put up a wall around my heart & walked away.
I’m ok with not being forgiven by unrepentant fools who told me facts don’t care about feelings while they spit on immigrants after descending from immigrants.
This is why stupid people are dangrous. There's a massive cost to being stupid. And even stuoid people hate to pay it, but line up to pay it every time.
Which is why we’re asking Trump donors/voters what their concerns are. No dumping on Trump. They have got to figure it out for themselves. Then we’ll gently suggest that there is another way.
We just have to change 500,000 votes out of 77 million to get a different winner. That is about one out of every 150 people. Stop complaining and start working.
Well I think this depends how bad the crook swindled him. The depths of corruption that we’re going to witness will need a deep sea diver in order to probe.
One of my special talents in life is making other people feel stupid. I fight it but somehow it remains my idiom. It has not served me well in life 😞 🤪
That's why "I told you so" will not work. The best thing to do is express empathy for the loss of his/her money and keep the door open in case they want to talk about it.
And i listen to my friends. If i heard some new plan i thought sounded cool, i would still listen to my friend if he had reservations. Im not saying i would follow what he said, but i would listen.
And if he was right, i would say so. Hell, I've done it.
Thank you. That was brave. Listening is what we need. Then acting. But always with the goal that we show Americans what America could be with values and respect. There will be pain, but the answer is not with dentist Trump, who will promise you a root canal and steal your gold filling instead.
I can live with that. At least telling them was the right thing to do. If indeed we are true friends, I wouldn't be a true friend if I didn't care enough to tell them the truth. The truth hurts sometimes. The rest is on them. We all have freedom of will. It is their choice to be fooled.
That's why I cut off MAGAt family members who were talking about Cheeto going there on the Wednesday following my Dad's funeral. As we sat in the church service preceding his funeral procession. It was disrespectful to my Dad. So I cut them and MAGA former friends off and I'll NEVER go back!
We need to emphasize the policies and tactics that will scare MAGA and swing voters - like how Trump will inevitably want to bug their phones, turn their neighbors on them, make them wor
True, but. We need to find a way to NOT say "I told you so". That gets us NOTHING. Say it inside your own head but DO NOT say it out loud. If you really want that person to do better next time you MUST find a way to take the blame. "I'm sorry. I tried to tell you but I didn't do a very good job."
Yes it sucks and is ridiculous to lie to a grown adult like that. But once you start righting that ship, then perhaps in a year or two (2026) or four (2028), THEY will be the ones to say "I'm sorry - you were right all along" when they cast their vote.
Whatever portion of this is true, it’s because of Frum’s professional and personal acquaintance with practitioners of that odious faction. Not from wisdom born of enlightenment.
And this here is the cold truth. There’s nothing you can do for these people. Reasoning with them or bringing them around is a fantasy. We need to defeat them
When stationed in the Philippines something comparable happened to me. While my best friend was away temporary duty I saw her husband and maid in a compromising position. When she got home I asked to came over. I told her. She didn’t say word. Nothing. Just waked out and never spoke to me again. 😔
This is exactly what I am going through with my brothers - one of them actually gets enraged if I question anything about trump or maga - our relationship is basically over.
So how can we be smarter than ourselves and avoid this? I keep turning this question over in my mind because I don’t know if I’m big enough but I know we all need to be. 😔🇺🇸
This actually happened to me once when I warned a group of friends about a Ponzi scheme that we were all unknowingly in. I investigated and pulled out and told them. They got mad at me. Then lost their money and got more mad at me. Go figure.
100% This is a huge part of the problem. Most people cannot accept or admit they’ve made a mistake, so instead double down. Even if they pay a price for it.
Speaking of prices, now they don't care since Trump said I can't lower prices 😂 🤔. That's all they bitched about the whole time. They better stop eating out everyday then
I watch older shows on my tablet, in a Halloween Leverage Redemption show Briana and Parker were talking about showing a girl that had been conned what happened. One of them pointed out that you can tell a person, and it will further ingrain their beliefs. You have to show them the action.
So true. Never insult the fragile ego…
Few of us like to admit we are wrong.
None of us want to feel shame.
Humans have evolved with superior executive functioning, but our ego will trip us up every time!
Until we do our inner work. ☺️
Unfortunately, I think this is spot on. Even if we resist the temptation to say “I told you so,”it’s very hard for people to admit they have been fooled. It’s easier for them to lash out at those who tried to warn them.
On the other hand, I’m not inclined to forgive them either. They did this.
This is so true. When someone is conned they would generally rather deny they were conned rather than admit it. If you insist on truth-telling you threaten their comfortable rationalized existence
But then the catfish convinces them that they lied about their identity because they're secret agents or some bs.
Extracting a mark must offer an ego-saving way out.
Mark Twain had similar observations years ago!
He should be hiding.
He stays mad at me all the time.
Told me to mind my business.
I'm saying it is my business to tell him but it's like talking to a brick wall.
He is dumb!
Showing them overwhelming evidence of truth doesn’t work with them , so, catastrophic ends do, and still , they don’t believe you
This happened during Covid , many of my friends died , refused to wear masks or vaccinate
Like FDR said, "They hate me, and I welcome their hatred."
That is one of the many reasons I stopped talking to people who have disappeared me with their weird Qanon ideas. I told them a few times what I thought & now I see they have been brainwashed & they will not listen to any reasoning. So I have put up a wall around my heart & walked away.
And i listen to my friends. If i heard some new plan i thought sounded cool, i would still listen to my friend if he had reservations. Im not saying i would follow what he said, but i would listen.
And if he was right, i would say so. Hell, I've done it.
He wanted to buy a computer and I said I'd go with him so he wouldn't get scammed.
So he wakes up early sunday and says get up lets go, and I wanted to sleep more.
He goes out, gets scammed, comes home and asks me how he did.
30 years we haven't spoken.
This view point will be reinforced by the grifter’s and their mass media lackies.
We should stop warning them and take their money instead.
I’d rather say “I told you so” and kick me to the curb.
Maybe those who supported him will acknowledge what those that oppose him already knew.
But that is a fantasy.
If things turn worse, those that oppose will be targeted. Those that support will do so out of fear.
Few of us like to admit we are wrong.
None of us want to feel shame.
Humans have evolved with superior executive functioning, but our ego will trip us up every time!
Until we do our inner work. ☺️
“don’t shoot the”messenger
On the other hand, I’m not inclined to forgive them either. They did this.
Incapable in introspection, they can only lash out at the messenger.