It's been 32 years for me! Once people discover Pacifica Radio Network, Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman & The Bradblog/Bradcast, they'll never miss the old Corp propaganda!
Good for you! My husband and I stopped all cable news too after the election. The last thing I want to hear over and over is why the Dems lost. And then I don’t want to hear all the Trump drama and chaos for the next 4 years! And how our justice system is totally rigged if you are wealthy. All sucks
In 1992 we moved to a rural location that couldn't get cable, we couldn't afford satellite so we did without. Never ever looked back. Have never had cable since then even though we can. Get our news off the internet and we stay informed with out being swayed.
Greats news, the longer you're away from it the easier it is to break the addiction of legacy media, they've lost their revelancy, creditibility. I quit CNN after the debate in June, and
MSNBC after the election &
capitulation of Joe & Mika to Trump.
Same here and not going back anytime soon. Cancelled my NYT, WaPo and Apple News subscription. I figured if I keep feeding these Corporate monsters, then I have no one to blame
What is everybody watching and reading instead? I've been watching BBC news which feels better without all of the US political commentary. For apps I mostly stick to NPR and BBC.
Contact your CONGRESSPERSON & HAKEEM JEFFRIES. There is sufficient evidence election was compromised/invalid. TELL THEM, DON'T CERTIFY ELECTION ON JAN 6. We need 20% (87) of them to do this. Express your OUTRAGE
Good for you. After the election I did a complete news detox myself. For my own mental health I'm just living my life and not worrying about the world burning around me that I'm powerless to help.
ABC caved in to Trump's frivolous lawsuit. Please join in a 1 week boycott of ABC and its local affiliates, from 1/1/25 - 1/8/25 show the power of people united in saving American Democracy! Please repost.
The following link is to a sign-up page on my website,
Yeah CNN can go fuck themselves. They bent to the Nazi gods. They got so bad in the last year that I watched them less and less and now I have unsubscribed from everything they do. MSNBC are the only ones that have any balls to stick up for democracy.
No MSM, no cable, no NYT, WaPo, LA Times, WSJ. Zero. No Amazon, to X, no Tesla, no FB, shop local, go to a bookstore, no Vaca in states that support treason. Kind of like the mental equivalent of a colon cleanse.
Congratulations , It's been 9 years for me. We all should get a coin or something to reward ourselves. Trust me, it gets easies. I rarely turn the tv on now.
I cheated one Monday night and turned on. Rachel, only to be disappointed. The doom and gloom in her stories was depressing, even she doesn't seem to have any optimism about what's to come.
Same! And good riddance. I haven’t missed it! I feel better, stronger and the doom and gloom has lifted. Yes we have major issues ahead but I don’t feel hopeless any longer.
I am ashamed of our left wing big creators. You make fun of the right or fear and rage bait, but when there is a call to action, you do NOTHING.
Americans don't want to be inconvenienced, and this is why we will DESERVE our rights being taken away.
This is why we lost and will continue to lose.
Cut the cable (and dish) many years ago. I am using internet access to news organization around the world to get my info. We used to a New York Times subscription but decided to drop it this month since their reporting is so unbalanced. So I’m reading news from Britain, France, Germany, AP, and more
Did you read about the super low Nielsen ratings for CNN and MSNBC? They have lost half their viewers. I hope they can get the message and recover.
It is not due to interest or loyalty to Trump or Republicans, it is a revolt against the Democratic leadership for failing us by not stopping the dictatorship of Trump. Many have sworn off MSNBC &CNN as a statement, just as like they walked off “X”!
I walked away from all the mainstream media quite awhile ago. My news comes from other news sources, mostly written and quality independent channels on YouTube.
Me too, as a matter of fact, I do not watch any live TV at all for fear that there will be breaking news, which will bring the whole thing simmering back to the surface again for me. I enjoy Scripps News, available streaming online or by app. Just facts, no opinions and breaking news right to you
Flipped through channels this morning looking for my first day of vacay holiday movie content, paused briefly on CNN whose commentators seemed to be having a meltdown about Biden issuing clemency, and kept right on moving along. I can’t even with their diatribe and don’t miss it, either.
Same. I’ve been a news junkie since my dad required our whole family to watch Walter Cronkite before dinner when I was in elementary school. A lifestyle change for sure.
Me too! I think I was addicted and the first couple weeks were hard. I still miss watching Deadline Whitehouse but otherwise I don't miss it. And I'm getting more done with the tv off.
I totally understand what you are saying.
I do respect the fact that Rachel doesn't repeat the same 'news' that everyone else is discussing ad nauseum.
But, like you, I'm keeping the TV off for now.
Is that the count since the “election”? If so, SAME and I’m never going back. Until an honest outlet, one not owned by an oligarch, presents itself, I’m out.
I can't remember how long it's been for me, I think it's been about 3 years. I dropped cable after Biden was sworn in because I was sick of all the Biden bashing and sanewashing of tRump. I needed to keep my own sanity while we continued to fight for our democracy.
I lost the numbers of day
I gave up on cable news, I think CNN was the first to go about two years ago, as soon as I perceived the rest of SMS were against people who pay their salaries I turned off the rest.
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: Russian disinfo network "𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘬𝘢" has launched a campaign on BlueSky. They’re spreading 𝙛𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙫𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙤𝙨 where real experts or students seem to speak, but later their AI-voice promotes anti-Ukraine and pro-Kremlin propaganda.
Be vigilant! Always fact-check before reposting.
ABC caved in to Trump's frivolous lawsuit. Please join in a 1 week boycott of ABC and its local affiliates, from 1/1/25 - 1/8/25 show the power of people united in saving American Democracy! Please repost.
The following link is to a sign-up page on my website,
Same for me. Turned off at election results, hasn't been on since.
Also dropped my YouTube TV as only reason for it was, cable news also impacted subscriber services.
Saving up spit…
MSNBC after the election &
capitulation of Joe & Mika to Trump.
Amazing how much more relaxing is!!!
Not going back!
The following link is to a sign-up page on my website,
I don't miss it at all.
#AuditElmo #DefundElmo #DeportElmo
So cozy 😊
Good morning 🦋
Americans don't want to be inconvenienced, and this is why we will DESERVE our rights being taken away.
This is why we lost and will continue to lose.
I'm loving it.
Is it her presentation?
Not proud of that.
I’m willing to do anything I can, but listening to Rachel just gets my blood pressure up and I STILL can’t do anything about the election.
I do respect the fact that Rachel doesn't repeat the same 'news' that everyone else is discussing ad nauseum.
But, like you, I'm keeping the TV off for now.
I gave up on cable news, I think CNN was the first to go about two years ago, as soon as I perceived the rest of SMS were against people who pay their salaries I turned off the rest.
So this is the latest cable news:
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚: Russian disinfo network "𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘴𝘩𝘬𝘢" has launched a campaign on BlueSky. They’re spreading 𝙛𝙖𝙠𝙚 𝙫𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙤𝙨 where real experts or students seem to speak, but later their AI-voice promotes anti-Ukraine and pro-Kremlin propaganda.
Be vigilant! Always fact-check before reposting.
The following link is to a sign-up page on my website,
Also dropped my YouTube TV as only reason for it was, cable news also impacted subscriber services.
It’s a great feeling, isn’t it?