Tucker Carlson suggests Europe would be better off had Hitler had won WWII.
We all know he would have supported Hitler back then— just as he supports Putin now.
We all know he would have supported Hitler back then— just as he supports Putin now.
My outrage at statements like that is off the scales
Had Herr Hitler won the war in Europe then he would not be sitting there talking English he would be speaking either Japanese or Russian.
Also apparent he is not full bottle on WWII compounded by serial thinking not parallel thinking.
He can't even take Ukraine
He would be annihilated
if jr and eric and his spawn don't like it...send those fuckers with him!
Our grandparents would never have stood for these filthy lying Nazis!
Abandoned by mommy.....misogynist among other hateful qualities.
Let's throw in silver spoon feckless microdick as well.
America stands with Ukraine
America Stands with
President Zelenskyy!
#VivaUkraine #USDemocracy
Escpecislly in context as to the original post
No shit Anglo Saxon trash.
Yes it is absurd for Tucker Carlson to be entertaining the notion that he would find Europe a better place if the Nazis had ended up conquering Europe.
I hope putins money makes him happy because he has the morals of an alley cat.
#Trump #Putin
“fucken Nazi scumbag”
All his family money and not two brain cells worth of intelligence.
WTF happened in his childhood to make him so damn corrupt?
Move him to Russia where he belongs.
no, that's not thinking, that's quaaludes
1. Why do you feel the need to leave your 'great' country?
2. Describe the current type of government in the US?
3. Do you need help?
NAZI Tuck u f’in idiot!
Someone who will try to expand in three directions at once, at any cost to his own power base, will eventually lose.
Funny, though, seeing as Trump is backing the genocide in Gaza.
I know a few Europeans (even Germans) who do not agree.
De Gaulle: You may be sure that the Americans will commit all the stupidities they can think of, plus some that are beyond imagination.
Killing disabled gypsies and others was ok?
I just can’t even with this shithead any more.