My issue with 2 is that, unlike with 3, there's a bunch of zones I outright dislike (ok I do dislike Carnival Night, but it's still more tolerable than stuff like Metropolis or Aquatic Ruin). I'm also partial to the less linear and more platforming-oriented level design in 3
Where is sonic colours ( sad the rush games are there but it makes sense given from what ive olayed of sonic if they are included the rest of the lest would be shoved down into 3 tiers because of how much better the rush games are incomparison to literally the entire rest of the franchise)
Ive heard theres performance issues and a lot of the graphics are fricked, just play the ds cersion, it has special stages, unless you emulate, they have touch controls
Actually didn't come across any performance issues, most of my complaints are in the level design and control department (I definitely wanna give Colours DS a go tho)
I mean p06 literally is not under any means able to be legible for a sonic game ranking, at least unless you also would consider somari legible since neither are official games
I recommend trying to get S-ranks in every modern Sonic game. These games were designed for replayability and for these levels to be perfected by the player, that's where their game design shines the most. I've had so much fun with Colors I wouldn't have otherwise if I didn't try to 100% it
Pretty solid list, though 1, CD, and R would be a bit higher for me. I know 1 is jank but I kinda enjoy the relative simplicity of it sometimes, and I'm chronically addicted to R's and CD's soundtracks.
Depth perception on a 2d screen, yeah, uh huh. That's part of the issue: putting a 3d environment on a 2d screen means you have no way of actually seeing any depth and it's harder to navigate. Not that doing actual 3d with VR crap would be any better because that brings its own laughable issues.
As a Sonic mega fan, I feel like literally all of those games should be above frontiers, the broke abomination of a sonic game/story it was. Unleashed is without a doubt the best game in the franchise IMO.
I will also die on the hill that Sonic 06 was a masterpiece of a game (I recognize the hypocrisy considering its WAY buggies than frontiers so I admit nostalgia adds a bias.)
You will fall thru the floor, go flying into space, and stop moving entirely. ALL unintended! But the soundtrack is PEAK sonic music it really doubled down on the rebel punk rock aspect of sonic. You can also play thru a Shadow story and a Silver story, both full length.
Its also how I found Zebrahead cause two of the members wrote His World (the theme but it sounds like you might know that already lol!) And I listen to them ALL the time now
3K is a better game overall, but I prefer 2 bc I would rather play 2 over 3K in 90 percent of situations
Personally it’s my favorite plot in the series so i definitely recommend playing it one day if you get the chance
Pit somari on the tier list coward >:3
3d platformers are trash. Yes, that includes the Mario 3d platformers, like Mario 64. Always have, always will.
I would recommend checking out Sonic Riders and Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing, if you're a fan of racing games you'll enjoy them