🚨 BREAKING: 11 young people were arrested after Schumer locked the doors on us—we showed him how to fight, but he couldn’t even face us.
His cowardly deal gives Musk the keys to our government while working people suffer. If he won’t fight for us, he’s unfit to lead.
Step up or step aside.
His cowardly deal gives Musk the keys to our government while working people suffer. If he won’t fight for us, he’s unfit to lead.
Step up or step aside.
1) Schumer's staffers' emails
2) Instructions for how to free fax. Fax numbers are already plugged in for all Senators. 5 free faxes per day per email address.
Fucking coward.
If there's a shut down, there's no incentive for T/M to reopen. Different than ever before. They *want* to eliminate gov svcs.
And if it does open back up, janitors etc get NO back pay.
So many people hurt in both cases.
We have to organize, get Rs out.
But in particular about throwing out one of the only tools we have in the short term to slow this all down -- the courts.
We need to slow them down to minimize harm while we keep organizing to get them out.
We don't deserve to be pawns over peoples' fears.
If Schumer wants to do that, he can do so, and then resign in disgrace before he gets primaried.
Americans: The the alternative is worse. Shut it down.
Schumer: *Unplugs phones, arrests constituents, puts fingers in ears*
Who are you taking your cues from, @schumer.senate.gov because it sure isn't us.
...and have to have THEIR OWN PARTY demand to the point of arrest that **they get involved in a bill to continue gov operations.**
🚨 11 young people were arrested after Schumer locked the doors on us-we showed him how to fight, but he couldn’t even face us.
His cowardly deal gives Musk the keys to our government while working people suffer. If he won’t fight for us, he’s unfit to lead.
Step up or step aside.
This has to be his last term in office.
He is supposed to represent his constituents. If he can't even manage that, he cannot be left in a leadership role.
It may be the most useful thing he's done in his entire life.
Schumer is a piece of shit festering in the noon sun on the side of the road.
You really see yourself at the Aristocracy now don't you ?