I have Crohn’s Disease, and without Medicaid, there’s no way I could afford my medication, which costs nearly $2,000 a month. Medicaid has been a lifesaver for me. You are wrong, RFK Jr.
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Sorry to hear that Jason.❤️🩹
Trump will hurt the most vunerable people just to give away a tax break to his cronies.
Dems need to come to the plate and resist this.
I have Crohn’s and am in the same boat. What’s equally as frustrating is that it is a disability per the ADA, we get no disability assistance because most of us can “work”
You are welcome. I do not have any ailments, so I do not know what it is like BUT I feel really bad for people that do. It is so wrong! I will fight for us I promise. I will fight as if I am the one with the ailment because you never know one day I may end up with one! Sending you hugs :)
I have HIV and the one pill I take a day to keep my immune system strong and viral load undetectable so that I literally can't transmit it costs just under $5,000/mo.
If Ryan White goes, I'm dead.
Me and a mountain of others like me.
So trust: I feel every syllable of your post.
This is monstrous.
I understand. My niece has crohns and has to pay $1000s for each of her infusions after her insurance pays their small part. I’m sure it’s scary not knowing if you will continue to have coverage.
My total meds for my health and disability is about 7,800 (I totaled it yesterday) and that doesnt count for visits a few times a month for care, caretakers, etc
Without my meds, I would eventually die, couple weeks.. maybe month
This is a very tough disease. Medicaid keeps so many of us alive. I'm in Texas and can't get the coverage I had in Arizona. I depend on the kindness of people to purchase my medication and keep my phone on.
Sorry about the Chron’s my husband had it but we got it in remission with diet and supplements because it wasn’t the real dx ~ he was later diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ~ I’m with you on the expense! Praying they don’t screw this up. My brothers life depends on it!
For 20 years, I was misdiagnosed, and it was a difficult two decades. I finally found a doctor who took the time to investigate further and diagnosed me correctly just a couple of years ago. I'm sorry to hear about your husband and brother.
My grandmother used Medicaid to cover the cost difference between what Medicare paid for her assisted living home and what the home charged. It’s not just single minority moms who are on Medicaid but they don’t care. They have no clue how many people rely on this type of assistance.
I do as well.Meds didn't work,surgery was my only option.My Gson was just diagnosed.He was in the hospital for over a week,5'10",113lbs. Mouth ulcers,psoriasis, malnutrition,crippling joint pain.Biologics and Prednisone worked miracles.Now his insurance is refusing to pay for further treatments.
It is heartbreaking. He also has a mild case of brittle bone disease. He has trash bags full of casts. This kid works 60+ hours a week. He won't let being sick slow him down. All he is asking is to be healthy enough to work.
I would literally die if I lost my Medicaid. I take two different injectable meds for Type2 diabetes and a bunch of other meds to keep me from going into anaphylactic shock from just bumping into someone who uses the wrong laundry detergent.
My family is an auto immune train wreck at 18. My grandson had a widow maker heart attack caused by antiphosplipid syndrome. And lupus nephritis. he gets is Benlysta for almost nothing. This drug costs 3 k but like I said pays hardly nothing. It has really helped flares. RFK is.
I have meds that are not formulary. Contact the manufacture.Tell them you need a formulary change. You’d be surprised. I pay 1.55 for a 1000 drug. SSA sets the limits
Same for my kiddo-- VEO-IBD, under good control but the funding cuts especially worry me b/c of her. Biologics are ridiculously expensive, absolutely could not afford without assistance covering it.
That's insane! I also have Crohn's disease, I live in Australia and pay around $43 per month for my medication
My ileostomy bags and other supplies are free for a yearly fee of $60
I'm so sorry that you have to endure Crohn's, your health system, and the friutloops elected to government
I have EOE disease my medication is over 59000 dollars a year. Needless to say no one wants to cover it so I don't take it. No one can afford to eat anyhow, so swallowing is a moot point.
My dear friend will lose her life-saving medication if Medicare Medicaid were to be frozen and or taken away. I repeat: life saving. As in if she does not have it, she will not have life.
I completely understand. I'm not trying to push anything. I have had my intestines rupture and had 5.5 feet removed. I had an ileostomy for a year. I now have short bowel syndrome and a j pouch. My only interest is helping others with IBD not trying to push unwanted advice. Glad you are well.
I am wondering why so few on Bluesky have signed on the letter to support Bishop Budde. To help build the resistance, you only have to lift your finger. Sign on the letter to show those in power that we are behind Bishop Budde. https://secure.avaaz.org/campaign/en/bishop_trump_attacks_loc/?copy
So often I'll be recommended a new medication and I'll kinda have an idea that its very very expensive based on american anecdotes. But then I go to pick up the medication that costs 2k a month in the US but it's only like $300 here, and 90% covered.
So many people/seniors with chronic illnesses will be greatly affected if they mess with Medicaid/Medicare. They could care less as long as the money is funneled into their billionaires' friends pockets. It's pure evil.
i have several chronic illnesses that have disabled me from working, and i rely on medicaid heavily for all my specialty appointments and mental health care. there’s absolutely no way i could afford to seek care without medicaid
I have UC a similar disorder. My insurance company claims to pay $6,300 monthly for Humira. Fortunately, my insurance covers all but $60. Drug prices need negotiations and caps that Biden put into place.
My son’s Crohns meds are $5k every 8 weeks. If he loses his ACA insurance, he can’t get coverage. He will die. our state dies not have Medicaid except with SSI disability.
According to him, I’m having problems affording my insanely high copay and premium of $0.
Then again, I wouldn’t expect a man who got into a prestigious university by writing his name on a single piece of paper to understand what regular people go through.
As a type 1 diabetic.... I would not survive without medicare/medicaid... the price for medication alone would be out of my price range, not counting supplies like needles and pump/cgm supplies.
I have multiple autoimmune dx and the cost of my meds are unreal. On SSDI and have Medicare. My out of pocket is 10-12k a year between meds and copays. I’m on a fixed budget & get my biologic & another med paid by manufacturer. Being sick is so expensive. Without these, I will die.
Crohn's is a wretched disease, and I'm truly sorry for your upcoming financial hardships. Prices of treatment are (and always have been) criminal. Refused access to treatment is murder.
In the UK, long term drugs cost $142.00 for each item on 1 years prescription. Single prescription is $12.50 per item. Free if you're under 16, under 18 and a student, over the age of 60, a hospital inpatient, pregnant, recent mother.
If we can do it, why not America?
Answer: obscene profiteering.
I meant to say I sympathise entirely but I hit the limit. I have rheumatoid arthritis but I'm over 60 so all my treatments are free. Low income etc are also free in the UK and most European countries are too. It's only the undeveloped countries and the US that profit from sickness. It is so wrong.
I live on the UK too and get all my medication free. I'm so sorry for your predicament and hope you can continue to receive what you need. Best of luck.🌻🌻🌻
As he said, "President Trump" about a thousand times in his testimony, I'm sure he couldn't care less about you or anyone else with serious health issues.
If you are looking for mercy from this gaggle of cretins you will be sorely disappointed.
My youngest brother has Crohn's and we're in the same boat. Live in rural NE, not a ton of options. All these things they're trying are terrifying and dangerous and will kill people. RFK Jr isn't just incompotent and wrong, he's a dangerous buffoon.
NE medical system is in the lowest 5 of all 50 states. We have no epileptologists & the only neurologists are actually neuro-PSYCHOLOGISTs. They accused me of faking my epilepsy while they had full Medical records for me covering 30 yrs of everything, including neurosurgery. NE medical's 3rd world
Trump will hurt the most vunerable people just to give away a tax break to his cronies.
Dems need to come to the plate and resist this.
(No seriously, I am sorry for what you might have to endure. Stay safe!)
If Ryan White goes, I'm dead.
Me and a mountain of others like me.
So trust: I feel every syllable of your post.
This is monstrous.
Like other rich and famous spawn he is worthless living off daddy name and harming people along the way !
#ToppleTheDictator #ShutdownTheSenate #TheOfficialOpposition #FightForDemocracy
Without my meds, I would eventually die, couple weeks.. maybe month
RFK can fuck off
My ileostomy bags and other supplies are free for a yearly fee of $60
I'm so sorry that you have to endure Crohn's, your health system, and the friutloops elected to government
They're all wrong.
Fuck me are you getting ripped off!
Shouldn’t cost more than $600 a Year!
Then again, I wouldn’t expect a man who got into a prestigious university by writing his name on a single piece of paper to understand what regular people go through.
Dynasties are foolish.
He's an idiot.
They all are.
Yup the USA is headed there.
Stock piling a good years supply might be an idea…
If we can do it, why not America?
Answer: obscene profiteering.
Saved my life!
If you are looking for mercy from this gaggle of cretins you will be sorely disappointed.
I’ve got Crohn’s plus every other autoimmune disorder. You’re not alone.
Keep fighting!