The term you're looking for is "taxation without representation." I feel like we've dealt with this in the past. Does anyone want to remind me of how we did it last time?
Legitimate question. Is there a way to put our federal taxes in escrow?I’m tired of paying for these incompetent boobs, and it’s only been seven weeks.
I was just thinking this. If a department has not been gutted, it will be. I am firing my representative and senators, with cause. Their performance reviews are in the toilet. I can donate to the state departments that are worthwhile.
File exempt until further notice. If it's only me and a handful of others it won't work. I'm doing it anyway, but it'll be much more effective if y'all do too.
Let me clarify how serious I am: all bets are off now. Your credit rating is a joke in this paradigm. Audits? Fuck an audit. The government is trying to erase people I love. Jail? If you think you're going to avoid jail as a decent person because you paid your taxes to this regime, forget it.
Stop participating. It's cute to delete the Amazon app. Cute. We ARE the evil empire. Stop feeding it. I sound like an 80s Republican, and it's making me laugh too, but they were saying this because they wanted poor people to starve. I'm saying it because I want the Christo-fascist regime to starve.
I really want Congress to try to monitor where all the funds are going after Elon & his DOGE vandals make confetti of all the official agencies. It seems like our country is being hacked & pillaged. 😡
Why bother? They’re rifling through your bank account anyway. They will just take whatever they want. Why should any of us lift a finger? Big Balls needs to earn his keep.
Do not pay them.
Set your w2 to exempt if you are patrolled.
Put aside the money is a separate account, so that you can prove you intend to pay them when they are not being used to pay for luxury services to a criminal.
Also, Divest your 401k
True no social programs for more yachts. No education for 11 year old boys to go to work and 11year old girls have baby's. No work for down syndrome people. No care for vets. No care for the elderly. My question is what do the top one percent actually do for society that 75 %tax won't solve.
Absolutely! And soon they will privatize everything & then demand payment for these same services in addition to still being required to pay the same taxes as we did before. King felon requires Americans to live in poverty for being fucking stupid ass scum.
Historically, I'm proud to pay taxes and contribute to the common good. I use and appreciate communal resources. This year, my filing was just an obligation since I have no faith that the funds will be used for Us.
What if the blue states ban together, stop paying federal taxes and instead invest the money to support only the blue states? Except for Texas the blue states fund the red.
Meals on Wheels (on the chopping block) cost $3 Million a year. The one trip to the Super Bowl cost 5X that. Meals on Wheels also verifies life so no one is dead for months rotting away. F&@k Trump and MAGAs.
I'm sure we will have our taxes replaced by a glorified sales tax. (Don't worry, if you don't buy stuff, the businesses already paid for the tariffs, so you're all good)
With fewer and disheartened staff processing your returns, it would be a pity if they had to deal with paper filing rather than easier e-filing. There is a way to express your disgust in a perfectly legal manner. Also, don’t include payment. Wait until they send you the bill.
Yep. Notice how it’s all talk of cuts and zero talk of amount “we taxpayers are getting”. Translation = shutting down to give your money to billionaires as a handout.
Now get back to your hovel you damn dirty serfs! How dare you question prince musk and his rabble of hooligan hackers!
If enough people DO NOT pay federal income tax, it will be impossible to prosecute as a violation. I mean, c'mon. That can't be the only Constitutional amendment left standing while all others are eschewed.
Funny you say that. Arkansas Gov has passed legislation to where the Gov is no longer subject to FOIA. So, she just rolls around going on vacations using the people’s money like it’s a personal checking account.
As long as billionaires do not pay their taxes, I see no reason for me to pay mine. I worked my entire life for that money. By putting their hands in it, they are committing theft.
Doge cut 4000 jobs from the IRS effective after April 15. It would be a pity if the disheartened staff had to deal with an overwhelming number of paper tax submissions which take that much longer to process than e-filing. And it’s perfectly legal.
Get cash, your going to need it.
Set your w2 to exempt if you are patrolled.
Put aside the money is a separate account, so that you can prove you intend to pay them when they are not being used to pay for luxury services to a criminal.
Also, Divest your 401k
Damn autocorrect!
Their hunger is endless
And their lust for tyranny
Is incredibly wreckless
#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
Then they get themselves elected and show us why.
Perhaps we might have a few choice words to send to pre$ident mu$k. I'm sure he'll welcome hearing from us.
If everyone did this, they would listen
Worse part is we intentionally did this to ourselves b/c Americans couldn't handle having a multi-racial female POTUS
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Now get back to your hovel you damn dirty serfs! How dare you question prince musk and his rabble of hooligan hackers!
Seriously, I’ve been told very adamantly that’s what is “absolutely going” to happen! 😆
non payment becomes a method to legal attack
Thanks Republican Jeeziz.
Can we shut down the military industrial complex? We aren’t fighting any wars so why is it the bulk of our damn budget