Scott Jennings has completely evolved into the giant steaming pile of feces we always knew he was. And it really shows just how low the bar is at CNN that he is still there!
Resisters, tell your friends, families, enemies, local and national media, at local town halls, at protests, your state legislators, city councils, local law enforcement: to pass on or chant that the joint chiefs of staff backed by seal team six can remove trump and crew!
The opposite might happen trump order hesthpig to mobilize the military to arrest every Democratic congressmen, senator, the liberal justices on SCOTUS , a few dozen federal judges , then the MSM who don’t tow the party line…😳😱😱😱
CNN no longer looks to factually tell the story -- they let everyone give "their side" but facts don't take sides! Just like "there are good people on both sides" IT DOESN'T EXIST
Scott Jennings should not be on television. In fact his existence is a stain on humanity as a whole. That we can produce something like this and then let it spew its bile on millions. Thankfully we can control seeing such filth by not watching.
SJ is a low IQ gasbag with an air pocket between his lobes. His hidden talent is being able to clean a monkey’s cage with his tongue with a broom stuck up his pompous ass.
Typical. Obama where's a tan suit and you'd think he shared the nuclear codes.
They share sensitive military information on a public app and act like someone wore a tan suit.
These are dangerous times, not because of the leak alone, but because of the response: attacking democratic institutions, targeting the press, vilifying & shifting the blame. It reflects creeping authoritarianism, trading transparency for control, accountability for vengeance, and truth for loyalty
North and south Carolina are on fire and Trump says nothing because they took money away from FEMA and there is really no more FEMA Trump never even mentioned the fires that one time
I quit watching @CNN a long time ago for this reason it’s not other side-ism when one of the sides is straight up lying. That’s knowingly perpetuating a lie.
I don't get any news from legacy media at all even though there's a few folks I like, it isn't worth it to wade through their propaganda shit and be any part of the big lies and or omissions they participate in to please the head Cheeto crap bag.
Watching the denials, accusations, and outright lies coming out of the Whitey House and the Ratpublican Administration is like watching raw sewage gushing nonstop out of a sewer main pipe.
Scott Jenning is a washed up shit show who thinks he's smart with his eye rolling. Heads up....he's not. He spews hate and GOP stupidity EVERY SINGLE DAY. He is the very reason we turn off CNN....not interested in the "both sides" shit show!
This is one of the reasons I haven’t watched since the election!! I’m done with this media gaslighting…find independent news on YouTube or Substack!
Indicative of the real welfare queens and terrorists you need to worry about, not someone from another country. They're right in your backyard, running multi-billion dollar corporations, and holding office.
Your oppression is their profession.
I’m usually trying to be funny or sarcastic or both. I’m not good at this interface as I’m new to this format so I’m not sure how to view the comment I made that you are responding to.
It’s like talking to a brick wall of stupid. Not stupid like they can’t work a high paying job and buy a boat but stupid as in their favorite cousin is gay (me) they grew up in union households with real patriotic veteran parents and grandparents , some are on SSDI and Medicare. All are losing $.🙄
If u believe that your too far gone to reason with. I assume u would agree Fox News is state news for the Republican Party? Actually nevermind. lol. Sad for yor type.
yeah, and you’re a f*cking idiot. I don’t like CNN any better than Fox, but they are not the same and you are dumber than a box of rocks to think otherwise.
What specifically has cnn said that u find so objectionable. Mind u Fox News is basically not covering signalgate. Which is a failure of security that would lead to an impeachment had it been done by dem. Fox News viewers barely know of. So that said what are the democratic lies that cnn pushes?
I don’t own a television by choice, and they actually want people to subscribe to their online service. Is that not the funniest thing? is a friggin joke and can read same elsewhere for free. jake, dana and anderson sold out!
This man is paid to be the villain. He makes a living being hated by people that watch CNN people are more likely to stay engaged when something makes them angry. This motherfucker‘s face keeps you engaged and posting about CNN.
While I certainly didn’t stay engaged. He’s a big reason why I left. That and the fact their hosts normalize this moron. I can’t have any respect for these enablers.
When he started popping up on various CNN shows, I would immediately change the network. Same when Van Jones would be on.
And there are a few on MSNBC, that I put in the same unwatchable waste of time category.
Jennings and Jones are a big part of why I stopped with CNN. That and the interviewers who let them get away with there garbage. Abby Philips show is the worst.
This little shitweasel and the patronizing ass with the fat shiny head (Urban) have ZERO business being on CNN. I no longer watch the network as it has imploded under the weight of its poor decisions.
Scott Jennings can eat shit. I don't trust CNN. I'll still pay more attention to NPR. Even the local news has become propaganda. I can't stand this shit.
As I have been saying for the longest time, CNN is not working for us, but for Trump. I've long dumped CNN and never have gone back ever. I cancelled my CNN subscription last Nov. 6, 2024, a day after the Presidential elections and watch my daily news from BBC, Al Jazeera, MSNBC, and CBC (Canada).
he is a very highly paid shill that for some reason CNN pays to offer the trump line each day. It's a losing situation for the network financially and in viewer loss, because he is simply a propagandist.
I won't watch CNN till they remove scott. He is a moron and a Kool aid drinker. If I want to hear the shit that comes out of his mouth I would watch faux. Stopped watching CNN in November.
Agree on the steal. Results were too perfect. He confessed after the election. He also speculated before the election for the results that happened. I still find it hard to believe people would vote for a felon. I do know my senior neighbors voted for him. I'm fairly certain one will deported FAFO
How anyone could vote for a convicted felon is beyond comprehension. How it was even legal for him to run for President as a convicted felon is beyond comprehension 😩
CNN also has very bias reporting. I recommend every1 get their news from trusted and truly independent news sources like Kyle on Secular Talk, Drop Sight News, etc. No one with corporate sponsorships.
💯 His smugness, arrogance, and inability to say anything that isn't a Republican talking point is extremely nauseating. 🤢 Because it's so unoriginal and ignorant, I know exactly what he's going to say before he says it.
Just pull his string and he spews the usual right wing talking points. The night he pointed his finger in the face of the person sitting next to him was when he should have been fired.
Yeah. It’s too much. He’s got to go. I guess he is there to show us how GOPers think? So there is a public opportunity to shut down the stupid ideas. Dunno - benefit of the doubt?
Hiring lying morons like Jennings is why CNN has lost so many viewers and are struggling to keep what they have. Jennings belongs on FOX or NewsMax, CNN!
Ambassador Susan Rice, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations National Security Advisor joins Alicia Menendez in for Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House with reaction to the stunning news of a leaked group chat among senior Trump officials
A truck is not a speech. A horn
is not a voice. An occupation
is not a protest. A blockade
is not freedom, it blocks the
liberty for all. A demand
to overthrow a government is not
a dialogue. The expression of
hatred is not a difference of
opinion. A lie is not the truth
No, really???? It's almost like FOTUS & Co have a history of endless LYING. But apparently you didn't notice. Spoiler: They're second favorite tactic is BULLYING. Look it up.
Imagine knowing that your job is to play the token stooge so that your network can say they have opinions from both sides. Getting paid to just to be antagonistic even if it means giving up all morals and decency. Then you somehow can sleep at night.
Quit watching in part because of Jennings but missed Jim. So happy when he left and he’s on his own now. Now no MSM. All independent sites and journalists.
I change channels as soon as I see him on a CNN panel, which is frequently. Opposing viewpoints are one thing but I’ve never seen this guy, even once, say anything bad about tRump or the GOP, no matter how egregious their actions may have been.
Despite my stark hashtag, I'm so happy today!!! "Nobody was texting war plans" my a**! Time to read these receipts...
That's's attempt to appear balanced. They know Jennings is full if BS but they want to pretend they're having a decent table discussion. Jennings makes a living as Trump's defender. If he stopped defending the indefensible, he would loose that lucrative contract so why stop now.
... which is why I jettisoned CNN many months ago. Scott Jennings has no role other than to lie, obfuscate and smirk. Have lost all respect for CNN. This isn't news; it's entertainment.
Or CNN ratings are in the gutter for spreading leftwing misinformation the last 10 years and they put scott on air as a last ditch effort to try and regain a drop of credibility maybe?
Exactly… the other day. I watched him yell at somebody about January 6, and he said he didn’t agree with the pardons, but yet you voted for the person who pardon them, so you do agree with it, is what I would’ve told him. He pardoned terrorist and insurrectionist, so you’re OK with it.
A little common sense here. If one of your family members, friends, or acquaintances always lied about one thing or that the person you'd go to to get an answer on something ? 🤔 So exactly what does CNN expect to hear of any relevance from Jennings ?
He is so “Mr. Smooth, butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth 👄 “ while I STAB YOU IN THE BACK REPUBLICAN.
Every time I see this GUY I get the mute 🤫 button ready. Blech 🤢
(Here the retired puppet)
I've been "boycotting" CNN for at least 10 months now and it's doubtful that I'll ever watch them again.
They share sensitive military information on a public app and act like someone wore a tan suit.
Is this opposite day?
He's the only sane person on the panel
Everyone else thinks men can get pregnant 😂
It's a Propaganda channel.
I mean, who would even admit he’s an offspring of yours?
Do not click their links.
Do not visit their website.
Block their contributors.
Your oppression is their profession.
You are a few days early.
And there are a few on MSNBC, that I put in the same unwatchable waste of time category.
Ever wonder why the ratings are so low?
call a LIE a LIE, stupid people don't understand these new made up "nicer" words for fucking LIE
Can't stand that lying scumbag either.
a #Trumper & an ASSHole‼️🤥👖🔥🍊🤡💩
When you believe you’re a hammer, every Scott Jennings looks like a nail…
is not a voice. An occupation
is not a protest. A blockade
is not freedom, it blocks the
liberty for all. A demand
to overthrow a government is not
a dialogue. The expression of
hatred is not a difference of
opinion. A lie is not the truth
"Next, we will hear from Charles Manson and his side of the story." 😆
One of the main reasons I no longer watch.
What the hell
Despite my stark hashtag, I'm so happy today!!! "Nobody was texting war plans" my a**! Time to read these receipts...
By the way, he hates people calling him by his first name, Jeffrey!
Nothing he says is worth listening to.
No ethics.