Unfortunately I don't know how else to pay rent. Every time an interviewer sees my face or hears my voice I suddenly find I've been eliminated from consideration. Even if I have twice the experience the job postings ask for.
Dine in / pick up / carry out, or delivery by the restaurants own employees
(The “sharing economy” was always a ruse to extract lower rates and fewer organized disputes by skirting existing labor laws; Uber is an enemy of the people to its core and competitors aren’t much better)
But I mean unless you have a great reason (such as disability) it’s worth acknowledging that delivery is a luxury and if they don’t employ drivers, pickup is the best way to ensure tour funds go to the business / employees
(Would also point out non-franchise is best where it’s an option)
Doordasher here, I remember receiving this email and being absolutely heartbroken. I damn near broke down in tears. Unfortunately I'm still in the job market, so can't quit yet.
That sucks. I can't remember a time where I actually cared what my delivery person's name was. I wouldn't care if they use an alias. I just want my food. I only care that they can find my place quickly and safely, and that they're receiving the full tip that I'm leaving.
who actually cares if you know the drivers legal name? it's not useful information the fucking cookie monster could be delivering it and all the would matter is whether or not you get your cookies
it's deadass just trying to doxx trans out of work
Welp. Long time ago (maybe 2017?) when I drove for Lyft, I requested a display name change to a "nickname", pretending it was easier for riders to pronounce it than my actual name. Honestly I kept getting rides that got cancelled with my real name. Decided to "Americanize" it because... racism
Can't speak for others but when I did rideshare, I accepted every single rider. It was early days back then and if you do the math the pay was a lot better than junior programmers. But I quit after they snatched my bonuses algorithmically. I was like wait a minute I see what happening. I'm no jr dev
This explains it. My name was changed back to my deadname yesterday. I contacted support and they are in the process of changing my name back since my name is legally Jade Lyanna. But it totally sucks these last 2 days
I'm no driver, but it still leaves a bad enough taste in my mouth that I deleted my account from DoorDash. Stupidest part was, there was a *teeny tiny* little notice at the bottom of the confirmation saying they may keep some information where it's legally allowed.
I do not see any confirmation of this, and a friend spent some time looking. There is a Californian law that would send a "name and photo" to customers, but that started on Jan 1.
You don't understand, i NEED to know everything about who is delivering to me, if i don't know my mailmans bloodtype, Type AB+ blood, how can i trust them to deliver my taco bell coupons? if he was lying and its type O-??? The delivery won't be the same and would be an infringement on my rights!!1!!
Door Dash has 99 problems as an employer and this is way down the list. Sure its disrespectful, but nobody cares about any personal detail about their driver. The majority don't even want to interact with the driver. It's important for folks to conserve their outrage these says.
I get what you're saying, but forced outings have already killed queer people in the past. This is just another opportunity for harrassment, violence and in worst case murders.
You can still do so. I barely ever pay attention to the name of my dasher, and half the time when I do it's something like 'Kaylee' and then an old man shows up, or a traditionally 'white' name and then an immmigrant from the global south shows up. At this point I just assume a lot of people
Dash with friends/family members in tow. If someone is going to freak out b/c you are visibly trans, they were going to do so anyway, your display name was never going to make a difference.
(The “sharing economy” was always a ruse to extract lower rates and fewer organized disputes by skirting existing labor laws; Uber is an enemy of the people to its core and competitors aren’t much better)
One time they carried it like a briefcase.
I would so much rather have a real employee who is getting benefits.
(Would also point out non-franchise is best where it’s an option)
When I order local pickup, I always call rather than an app because they have to pay fees for that.
who actually cares if you know the drivers legal name? it's not useful information the fucking cookie monster could be delivering it and all the would matter is whether or not you get your cookies
it's deadass just trying to doxx trans out of work
Anyway, I wonder if drivers feel the same when picking commission?
There are different tools available to extract text from images before posting.
Cunts, the lot of them.
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Australia: 1-800-958-316
[email protected]
(This is a joke. They are universal donors.)