There's something really ominous about people who argue that if we acknowledge that sex work is work, we're opening the door to legalized sexual harassment.
Why would you think sex workers not being criminals means you can force someone into sex acts at any workplace, including SWs workplaces?
Why would you think sex workers not being criminals means you can force someone into sex acts at any workplace, including SWs workplaces?
Aside from the fact we have several types of legal sex work and this hasn't happened, why would "perform oral sex on my boss" be a job requirement for *any* profession?
It's not a discussion or debate.
Also, if it's not a sex job it's not a sex job! Wild af! Laws exist to protect against this specific shit, regardless of nature. If it's not relevant to the job it cannot be added to it.
...forcing competition in the workforce so others end up in SW who shouldn't be there.
Legal SW can test, should be Phys Therapy.
Why would the idea that you could coerce any woman into sex acts on the job even enter your mind?
What kind of person would even think that?
which isn't to say it's reasonable or they shouldn't shut the hell up but I would say it's revealing
Straight people who get in touch with their anus for pleasure are less likely to shun gays.
Rather than the reverse.
Most anti-rights people are just firing out arguments that they hope will sound persuasive just so that can stop whatever progress they're against.