Reading that you are a NO vote on the ludicrous budget bill and cloture. I hope this is true. Such a decision would reaffirm you as the thoughtful man I believed you to be. So many disappointments these days. I’ll be glad if you are not one.
Can we have an update on your CR vote, please? Wondering if the city I love, what was the capital of the free world, is about to be decimated by the terrorist in chief, and if you support defunding every good social program a civilized society values.
VOTE NO!!WE EXPECT OUR REPS TO REPRESENT US AND FIGHT FOR OUR COUNTRY, NOT COWER TO THE REPUBLICANS! A yes vote would be the biggest possible slap in the face to those of us protesting, boycotting & actually fighting back. We won't donate to or vote for ANY Democrats until we see you ALL fight, too!
Sen. Kaine, you may be aware that Purim is a celebration of a brave people who stood up to a wannabe dictator who insisted that they all bow down to him. A great way to celebrate this holiday would be to VOTE NO ON CLOTURE. Otherwise you are joining those who bow down. you aren’t up for re-election for a while, so probably don’t feel the heat, like Warner, of your constituents telling you to vote NO on cloture and CR, but we are watching what you do here closely. It’s the action you take when there is no immediate personal threat that matter.
We Democrats want Senate Democrats to SHUT IT DOWN!!! VOTE NO!!! Vote no on the Maga House Republicans budget bill!!!! WTAF is going in with two faced ?! Last night you were al unites and now he's saying he's voting for the bill?!!!
I support a no vote on cloture. I want you to publicly call to remove Schumer as minority leaders, and strip any accomplices from any committees and leadership roles.
Please! The end justifies the means, stay strong! We believe in you. Plus the government is being dismantled any way and majority of federal workers are unfortunately being fired. Show them y’all will not lay down to be run over like Schumer.
Are you voting NO on cloture and the CR? You MUST!! If votes Yes, as your constituent, I insist you and other Ds remove him from leadership. He’s enabling the Rs and Musk to continue LOOTING, STEALING our Social Security and Medicare!!
Vote with courage for Virginia, for America, for the world.
Vote no on the House CR budget. We can cope with a shutdown. We can't cope with a capitulation and surrender.
There is no joyful. There is no safe. PLEASE VOTE NO.
*Defending the constitution and the people of Virginia* is more important than making sure little Sally down at Lipscomb Elementary gets her peas for lunch.
We hire senators to work for us, so do your job vote no on anything the republican party puts out. It will never benefit the people who vote for you and Warner. VOTE NO ON THE MAGA SPENDING BILL! We cannot give unchecked power to #PresidentMusk #FirstLadyDonaldTrump
#Swasticars #StopFascism
#StopTheOligarchy #TaxBillionaires
Join a team to help Dems win.
Virginia constituent here, vote no! And talk to your other democratic colleagues. Hold the line like the other federal employees fighting to keep our government
I’ve left you messages to no avail. You’ve set up your office phones so it’s impossible to reach staff. You apparently are following spineless invertebrate Schumer. My vote for you in the last election is the last vote you’ll ever receive from me if you don’t vote for cloture. Democrat no longer
Stand with house dems - if the other side refuses reasonable negotiation on the budget - shut it down ! Virginians understand extreme times call for extreme measures
Thank you. The story of purim is hitting hard this year. We have a fool of a king with an evil antisemitic advisor who is trying to harm citizens who have done no wrong.
Senator, please talk some sense into Mr Schumer. Allowing the Republican CR to pass will decimate the federal government. It will take decades to recover from this.
Tell the Republicans to Do Their Job! Agree to give them a CR if it's for 30 days only, so that they can pass an ACTUAL budget. They're already late on their assignment.
This is 100% on THEM right now if the government shuts down.
The American Revolution was won in part because of Americans aiming for officers, which at the time was a HUGE taboo. But when your very freedom is on the line, and the other side already plays dirty, decorum is dangerous.
I hope you aren't a coward like Schumar (who needs removed as minority leader) and refuse to endorse Trump and Musk's dismantling of our democracy. Vote no on cloture! No on the CR! Why would you legitimize their actions by voting to fund them?! Unacceptable. Vote no!
Vote no on cloture.. screw Schumer.. did not stand for the moment.. a vote yes on cloture is a vote yes on the CR.. and that's just handing over the keys over. Meet the moment!
Purim is great and all but WHERE IS YOUR STATEMENT on cloture and the CR??? This is your last term. You have ZERO reason to vote yes. If you vote yes, you will go down in history as one that helped to decimate his own party. We are watching you. Make a statement now! VOTE NO ON CLOTURE AND CR!
Remember Democrats we are watching this Senate vote today... if you vote Yes to this CR we will PRIMARY the
hell out of you! This is no time to buckle. We have an authoritarian party controlling Congress and Whitehouse. Find your spines. Please vote NO on the CR. Please do not cave on this. We do not care how worried you all are about the consequences. The consequences of voting yes are far worse. Please fight!!!!! Please!!!! Don’t misread this moment and cave. We’ve got you on this. Don’t let us down.
Stand up for the Jewish people, the American people and democracy - vote no on cloture, no on the bill. Or else you’ll be remembered as allowing Trump to take more power
Dems, stand your ground. The Republicans have stuck language in there that gives Trump permission to continue taking money already approved for Fed Agencies. The bill gives power of appropriations to the potus. It’s page 15 I think, maybe 16. This will make half the court cases moot.
Please announce that you'll vote no on the CR and cloture. Americans are trying as hard as we can to show the world that we don't support the actions of Trump, Musk, and the GOP. Please stand up for us and demand better. ❤️
don’t you dare vote for this repugnantican cr senator! warner is doing the right thing, i’m a va constituent & you can’t condone the rights that will be taken away by voting for this, schumer & jeffries are leading this party off a cliff!!!
Why are you avoiding constituents Senator? We voted for a Senator who we believed would look us in the eye, have the courage to tell the truth. What happened to you?
Purim sameach! Please vote NO tomorrow. We, your neighbors really need you to stand up for us. We are hearty enough to survive a shutdown, we are not hearty enough to see our lives signed away with your name on the dotted line.
Senator, I hope you are not considering collaborating with MAGA Republicans/trump.
Vote NO on cloture.
NOTHING has changed from yesterday, so your vote shouldn't change either.
I called your office and they don’t seem to know where you stand on the CR vote. You should be publicly announcing that you will vote NO and you need to be talking to other democrat senators and make sure they are voting NO.
Do your job!
Hey Tim, hope you’re voting no on any CR to keep government open without provision to reign in Trump and Musk and restore checks and balances. Do your job!
As a Virginia resident who has not forgotten your support for Trump's godawful nominees that are currently dismantling our government and costing thousands of Virginians their jobs, I hope you are a no on cloture.
Senator Kaine, you represent the state my ancestors have lived in since Jamestown was settled. Every branch of my family tree bled for the freedom we have inherited. Vote HELL NO on CR!
My letter regarding both the Republican budget proposal and the cloture vote concerning it, for which I would appreciate your consideration, and a NO vote on both. 🧵
Anybody over there reading this?
No on cloture, no on the dirty CR, and tell Schumer that if he doesn't LEAD he needs to not be minority leader.
Protect DC's funding, and do not give any cover for DOGE.
I am trying and trying to call you. All your phones are disconnected. WHY are they disconnected? Your constituents need to reach you!! Vote NO on Cloture!!!!
As a Virginia voter, I cannot express strongly enough that you need to vote no on both cloture and the CR. To vote yes on either is to be a collaborationist in this authoritarian regime.
Thank you! As a Northern Virginian who voted for you—please vote NO on closure!!!
Democracy dies quietly in the dark. We need people of moral fiber to stop these atrocities to our country now!
Please remind Sen. Schumer he's not irreplaceable:
"The process for removing a Senate Majority or Minority leader is relatively simple in theory, and this can be done via an ordinary resolution if a majority of the party's senators are able to meet and decide on a replacement." Newsweek, 9/1/23
Hi, Senator: Thanks for all you have done. Please don't vote against your core values as a Democrat and Senator. Vote to save Medicaid, Medicare, and other programs that help Virginians...many you probably don't see. Thank you.
But, yeah, really disappointing.
Send the message:
Please! The end justifies the means, stay strong! We believe in you. Plus the government is being dismantled any way and majority of federal workers are unfortunately being fired. Show them y’all will not lay down to be run over like Schumer.
Vote no on the House CR budget. We can cope with a shutdown. We can't cope with a capitulation and surrender.
*Defending the constitution and the people of Virginia* is more important than making sure little Sally down at Lipscomb Elementary gets her peas for lunch.
No on Cloture!
No mas Musk, trump!
#Swasticars #StopFascism
#StopTheOligarchy #TaxBillionaires
Join a team to help Dems win.
NO on CR.
NO on Cloture as well.
Shut it down. No blank checks. They will NOT work with you.
Your phone is down.
NO ON CLOTURE!!! We are screaming as loud as we can to all of you!!
This is 100% on THEM right now if the government shuts down.
Use whatever little power you have to fight back against Trump and the coup.
You need to stop negotiating our rights, liberties, and dignity away with a party that wants to take it ALL away.
Voting to continue things as they are is voting to end America as we know it. Trump is reestablishing internment camps and disappearing dissidents.
hell out of you! This is no time to buckle. We have an authoritarian party controlling Congress and Whitehouse. Find your spines.
Don’t just vote no —
Filibuster that rotten continuing resolution
If you join Schumer you’re a coward a traitor and you must resign
Or we Virginia's will Primary you out next voting cycle.
Do the right thing.
Vote NO on cloture.
NOTHING has changed from yesterday, so your vote shouldn't change either.
202 224 6542
Do your job!
Warners office changed their recording to indicate that intent.
Please do not follow the path of Fetterman and Schumer.
Local Office #: (804) 771-2221
DC Office #: (202) 224-4024
Office Website:
Please only contact if this is your rep. If you wish to speak to another rep about this issue, find them here:
No on cloture, no on the dirty CR, and tell Schumer that if he doesn't LEAD he needs to not be minority leader.
Protect DC's funding, and do not give any cover for DOGE.
surrendering to guys like this House Republican in NC >>>
yes there are no great options
but surrender is not going to age well
Do not retreat on Schumer's lame excuses.
Chris Stirewalt said this:
When a bully punches you in the nose you just don't punch him back. You burn down his house.
Replace Senator Chuck Schumer with an energetic fighter for us.
Advertise on TV, especially Fox and New Max
FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOMS!! VOTE NO!!! Let it shut down, and the Rs can OWN IT!
Republicans hold both the House and the Senate so any shutdown is 100% on them.
Democrats owe them nothing
We are screaming our heads off out here and we expect you to listen when we say let them shut it down. Do not lift a finger to help them.
Democracy dies quietly in the dark. We need people of moral fiber to stop these atrocities to our country now!
"The process for removing a Senate Majority or Minority leader is relatively simple in theory, and this can be done via an ordinary resolution if a majority of the party's senators are able to meet and decide on a replacement." Newsweek, 9/1/23
And if you vote for cloture or CR, we’ll immediately call for your resignation.