Me, giving advice: Your first draft will be shit! Embrace it! The real work is in the editing!
Me, writing: This sentence isn't perfect I'm scrapping the whole thing this sucks
Me, writing: This sentence isn't perfect I'm scrapping the whole thing this sucks
Also me: "It's trash, I'm trash. And I am NEVER trying that again."
Me 2024, goddammit microsoft word autocorrect, spellcheck, suggestion burn in hell you piece of s*@t. Quits and plays Hearts of Iron IV.
In iron-man mode.
Print out triple spaced. Go through with a red pen rewrite about 75%. Do any checking.
Type corrections into Word, changing another 25%
Final check, submit
ALSO ME: "This is never going to come together at this rate. I should start over."
Me Editing: Who wrote this, the cat? A blank page says more than this drivel...