I want one reporter to ask him if it was worth it, manipulating the Senate for his own agenda, now that the country is in a dictatorship and headed into a serious recession.
His cosmic entity let him know that he will be reincarnated repeatedly as a gnat for the next million years, to be eternally eaten by snakes and frogs. He's trying desperately to atone but it's too late.
When he dies he better NOT get to lie in state at the capital since he single-handedly had the power to keep us from the state we are currently in. He and he alone put is here. NEVER EVER FORGET THAT!!
Remember that on the way out the door He's going to worry about his legacy. So if there's some concession we can extract from him or some overture to bipartisanship, we should push him.
Don't let this chance go to waste
He created the shit - it was he who stacked the supreme court with magahats... and he who let Trump off the hook following Jan 6th.
His inactions over Jan 6th, which led to the current reign of the 💩🤡, will lead to the loss of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people around the world.
Mitch McConnell not seeking reelection is not a surprise.
He failed America by voting against Trump's impeachment, claiming it was up to the legal system to hold Trump accountable.
He also manipulated the senate to put 3 Republicans on SCOTUS.
"All men have an emotion to kill; when they strongly dislike some one they involuntarily wish he was dead. I have never killed any one, but I have read some obituary notices with great satisfaction." - Clarence Darrow
Mind how you go Mitch, the Capitol has a lot of steps...
Good riddance he did nothing for his people in Kentucky he is responsible for destroying our democracy and enable Trump! He is part to blame what is happening? He should left long ago!
Accolade’s for this useless bag of old? He had a chance to do the right thing and ban the orange menace from ever runnibg for president again. He failed to do that because he feared the loss of power. Coward can drift off to senility and die.
The complete and abject betrayal of the United States of America, began under his leadership in the Senate.
He was uniquely situated to have the power to stop in it's tracks what he knew would happen, before it had reached a critical mass.
KY Resident here. Never voted for him. Would have said no one had done more damage to this country then McConnel but then came Trump.
WILL NOT miss him.
And I thought I had a bad case of Resting Bitch Face… his literally looks botoxed into place.
Seems apt, considering he took the lead in stealing not one but TWO Supreme Court Seats Dems should have filled. I wish him the retirement he deserves. 🤬
Old Galapagos played a big part in the whoredom of America. You slug, American soil is to hallowed for your evil ass. Take that carcass to China or Russia.
And speaking of epidemics . . .
Don't let this chance go to waste
He failed America by voting against Trump's impeachment, claiming it was up to the legal system to hold Trump accountable.
He also manipulated the senate to put 3 Republicans on SCOTUS.
SCOTUS gifted Trump with presidential immunity.
Mind how you go Mitch, the Capitol has a lot of steps...
USA --> UHsdiaA
Call The People’s Hotline:
503-212-4600 (leave msg. 24/7)
Let’s let this fucker have it!
He was uniquely situated to have the power to stop in it's tracks what he knew would happen, before it had reached a critical mass.
He chose not to.
He betrayed all of us.
I am sickened.
WILL NOT miss him.
Seems apt, considering he took the lead in stealing not one but TWO Supreme Court Seats Dems should have filled. I wish him the retirement he deserves. 🤬
I know I'm very much in the minority here, but like during Trump's first term, I welcome anyone to the resistance.