I don't understand what's going on in this pic. I see Dump and Leon and the UK Prime Minister but who are the other people and what is the meaning of the PM standing there like that?
In brief its a retelling of 'A christmas carol', Starmer is cast as Scrooge, pic1 Xmas past, is Aneurin Bevan founder of the UK welfare system, Pic2 Xmas present is Gaza, Pic3 Xmas future is rampant fascists
Oh I think Farage has got plenty of stick over the years from CWS!
I don't entirely agree with the vitriol Keir gets, but then Chris is more Socialist than me I think!
Terrifying and appropriately so. Sir Patrick Stewart's portrayal is the best for me, I hope it reverberates with this government. Great work yet again Steve
I don't entirely agree with the vitriol Keir gets, but then Chris is more Socialist than me I think!
Hope you have a merry Christmas!!!
Merry Xmas mate.