He's performing an overt daily market manipulation by saying stupid shit that sets fire to the stock market so his cronies can buy the dip. Then a few hours later, he changes his mind. He's the arsonist fireman, and he expects us to just watch it burn.
Think of everything beautiful, graceful, meaningful, artistic, subtle, loving, ethereal, magical, righteous, or enchanting in this world.
Trump, Muskrat, and the entire "gop" are exactly the opposite of all of those things.
There is only so much you can do to make an octogenarian look spry. Unfortunately, Biden had a lifetime of decisions to compare his presidency to. His policies on certain topics were weak or too neutral to stand up against maga. It was our responsibility to challenge him to do better.
Trump is literally 4 years younger than Biden. There's no way in Hell that you can compare the two. Especially when the Heritage Foundation released their manifesto in April 2022. Here's a cheatsheet I produced in case you didn't read all 922 pages like I did.
What does the pretty pamphlet you’re hocking about the American nazi plan have to do with Biden looking inept? Trump and Biden are BOTH octogenarians and should be enjoying their retirement. One bowed out gracefully, the other is acting like a toddler being made to eat his veggies.
Just realize where you live, and stop pretending to show intellectual reasons why a Felon Rapist was preferable to a black woman, you know but are afraid to speak Truth to moronic Racism!
I did some research. He can't drive because of a rule by the Secret Service. The manufacturer had 15 recalls in 2024 affecting 5 million vehicles. BTW that's a record. Mighty large paperweight
A significant number of those recalls were for software problems and were issued after the patch was released and installed, to be fair. Musk has far too many real problems to go after the non-issues
So teslas have more problems than just the software recalls. They claim to have the highest crash test safety ratings ever. In real world crash data, they have the highest fatalities. They also have a nasty habit of catching fire
Would you buy a vehicle from a manufacturer that had that many problems? IF I had that kind of money, I'd be looking at a reputable place. When it comes to my vehicle, a problem is a problem!
Trump wistfully longs for the days of the Golden Age when robber barons ruled and tariffs were the American way. He wants the US to be isolated as far as manufacturing and trade yet he seems to believe other counties will be sending mountains of money there. His mind is a funky little donut shop.
Amazing how greed can even change the English language. When Wall Street gamblers MAKE money, it's PROFIT. When they LOSE money, it's called a CORRECTION. Evidently, when you call GAMBLING "Investing", you can't lose.
I’m Canadian. I live in Ottawa Ontario Canada.
🇨🇦 I’d like to remind my fellow Canadians to continue ‘elbows up’ with regard to the FreedomConvoy MapleMaga that are everywhere, fuck you!
They're also being paid by outside agitators. Likely the same people who mysteriously bought 40,000 teslas to get those government rebates (which is under investigation right now).
They are losers.. just like they were then. Collecting Liberal gov CERB payments of $2000 per month during Covid....they didn't have a problem with that though.
Where are the freedumb fighters when our country is being threatened? Siding with Canada’s version of Millhouse, who’s willing to sell us down the river. Cowards!!!
To me, he's one of those rare creatures that is both a bull in a china shop and one of those bears raised in private since birth that's too fat and domesticated to survive in the wild and just ends up spending it's days in a zoo to be gawked at.
I know what those little hands are for that little tiny d*•~+! He’s trying to make up for something by pushing people around. Just another bully with an inferiority complex. He needs to be removed for the disaster he’s causing the world. He’s a traitor to the constitution the people and democracy.
heh. having watched the mythbusters ep with bulls among china- almost dainty; the felon is more like a drunk monkey with a bucket of hoarded shit just flinging it in all directions.
It's wild how racists are willing to sacrifice the economy just so racism can rule. At this point, there can be no other reason for the lack of opposition.
Trumpty-Dumpty tried to build a wall.
Trumpty-Dumpty had a great stock market fall.
All his oliogarchs and all his cabinet dregs,
couldn't bring down the high price of eggs.
Yeah, well that bull is threatening my country. We will never be part of the USA. You guys need to do more than tweet and complain about things. Ya'll need a revolution.
Trumpty-Dumpty sat on his wall. Trumpty-Dumpty watched the economy fall. All of the billionaires kissing his ass, brown nosers, yes men, and cult members in mass. Repeating his lies, spewing his hate. Can't get away from their ultimate fate.
History will show as it has in the past that these evil people, the MAGA, won't last. America will rise, and unite once again, to take down the villain and all of his friends. We did it with Hitler we will do it once more, and take back our country and give their money to the poor.
Mythbusters debunked that, I think. Turns out bulls can completely avoid breaking china, even when in a china shop. Kind of makes what Trump is doing all the worse. Even cows know better!
You can thank all of the uneducated, educated yet ignorant, racists, and PEDO’s who voted for that excrement living in the WH and enjoying your hard working tax dollars!!
But, in the back of my mind I can't help but thinking, how is his manipulating of the stock market going to enrich him.
He would tank the world economy for a personal score.
It's simple.he opens his sewer hole against everything american.stock market drops because of it.his billionaire oligarchs buy stocks at drastically lower price.then he opens his sewer hole again to redact everything he said the day before and the price of stock rises.they sell and make a lot of mon
You have no idea how much I love being here… A lot of my family and friends support that orange piece of shit. It’s hard to hold my tongue to not get ganged up on. I come here to let loose and when it all falls apart, I’ll let it all fly and tell them what I think 😊
Trump is a criminal & just like always, he w “bust out” our gov like a casino or Trump U etc. $$$ to self & cronies then bankrupt & liquidation sale to squeeze every $ & “buy” real estate etc Pennies on the dollar.
You got that right, sir. The only difference is that this bull is smashing half the shit on purpose. And then blaming it all on a donkey who was in the shop two months ago.
In a market of chaos and despair,
Charged a bear masked in bull air
With stock prices down,
And Teslas spinnin' 'round,
They claim it is market repair!
Want to do something to help flip the house? Volunteers are needed asap to phone bank prior to the Florida special election on April 1st.
We can make a difference!!
Please share this post. 💙 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZP82hVSWd/
Visit https://nationalgroundgame.com for the game plan.
It's how he managed to make his money all these years. He's lied on his taxes (admittedly), filed for bankruptcy multiple times, committed fraud (also multiple times), etc. He's a scam artist.
And no telling how much money (from Russia and elsewhere) got laundered through his real estate deals. He's been dealing with foreign investors and banks for decades.
Apparently a very bad car salesman, sales dropped very much, and therefore the share price is dropping as well.
The company is still very much overvalued with a P/E of 130, a P/FCF of 253, a P/B of 12.54.
Then compare the actual share price of $230.58 to the FCF valuation of $9.77 and DFE of $18.9!
Perhaps seeing this catastrophe with their own eyes will be the wake-up call many red and purple voters need to start voting blue to protect their self-interests.
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
how in the world are we gonna endure these horrible people in our White House for four years they never plan on leaving. Donald Trump thinks he’ll live forever even with that facelift. I’m quite discouraged.
I read that as The American Comedy (sorry) ... it really is the extended version of Idiocracy ... (was that a comedy or a documentary or both ... that's not funny anymore
He Violated the Hatch act on the front lawn, but I guess with his crusty sock puppets in charge of everything in Washington DC he can just break whatever laws he feels like.
Hold that rhyme
That’s the only white thing willing to sleep with him.
Trump, Muskrat, and the entire "gop" are exactly the opposite of all of those things.
Don’t buy a Tesla, he talks out of his arse
Don’t buy a Tesla he talks out of his arse
they actually voted for this clown.
He will bankrupt America.
Trump cheated on every wife.
He will betray America.
If you attack us many innocent Canadians and Americans will die.
Men, women and children will be slaughtered just so your “Mad King” can feed his ego.
Now is a good time to decide how you want to be remembered.
🇨🇦 I’d like to remind my fellow Canadians to continue ‘elbows up’ with regard to the FreedomConvoy MapleMaga that are everywhere, fuck you!
Trump: I’m starting tariffs to force manufacturing back
MAGA: ok
Sell all the things, tariff on. Buy all the things, tariff off.
Rinse and repeat.
Trumpty-Dumpty had a great stock market fall.
All his oliogarchs and all his cabinet dregs,
couldn't bring down the high price of eggs.
driving a
do US a favor
trip on a
Take your entourage it'll be a Blast
Trump is more of a Jack Russell terrier, on amphetamines, and there are dog treats on the top shelves
Can we hop timelines
A bit like one of those "don't do it!" clichés in a classic horror movie.
Metaphor by #JohnMulaney
He would tank the world economy for a personal score.
Just an ordinary fool.
As they sow, so shall they reap.
You are plain s t u p i d.
Charged a bear masked in bull air
With stock prices down,
And Teslas spinnin' 'round,
They claim it is market repair!
We can make a difference!!
Please share this post. 💙
Visit https://nationalgroundgame.com for the game plan.
Funny how "a small group of people" are wrecking Tesla stock.
Not like people, businesses and countries around the world are standing up and saying this isn't right..
The company is still very much overvalued with a P/E of 130, a P/FCF of 253, a P/B of 12.54.
Then compare the actual share price of $230.58 to the FCF valuation of $9.77 and DFE of $18.9!
Resulting in a takeover of hitherto unassailable districts, and blue supermajorities needed for common-sense legislation
into fragments on the floor,
he leaves a parting dump
and saunters out the door.
The Mythbusters showed that Bulls are actually very careful, unlike Trump!
DC and every state capitol
Trump is a steer.
Important difference.
A bull isn't supposed to be in a China shop. Poor animal must be scared and lashing out.
Trump is doing all this on purpose.
Well, as "on purpose" as a semi-sapient lump.of shit like him can ever do anything.
Every time I see or hear Trump, all I can think is "officious little prick" the way Jack thought of Ullman.