JFK was amazing.
However, Trump is good enough to mesmerize tens of millions he is not a crook, embezzler, rapist and evey other damn thing he actually is, so there is that.
The perfect marriage between writer and speaker is a beautiful thing. I wish to include a fictional President who is an obvious JFK fan - President Josiah Bartlett (West Wing).
Interesting point- speeches are often written by a speech writer with input from the pres.(or vice versa) Its the delivery of that written word that has the impact. Was it the speech or the speaker?
I watched a documentary on JFK, the speech he gave on civil rights after black school children were arrested and abused was magnificent. I love hearing Michelle Obama speak, then President Obama in a tie with JFK. The documentary convinced me of his charisma.
All roughly equal speakers in my opinion; but the real skill is in the speech writers ; Eisenhower’s aircraft carriers vs. hospitals was my favorite speech
Absolutely! I barely remember his speeches, but I agree. Between his delivery and the mastery of his speechwriters, he’s my first choice. After that, Obama is the only other President in my lifetime that could move me.
President Obama, hands down! He is an extremely gifted Orator. His speeches were always entertaining, engaging, intelligent, insightful & his witty, humorous candor is second to none.
John F Kennedy. He had a great mind as well as great wit. He had gravitas that came from having survived death in the Pacific during WWII. I just barely remember him, but I still dearly miss him.
I saw Obama live in Dallas in 08 and Clinton in 96, they were both charismatic and well spoken. I would vote Obama but I was paying way more attention then
However, Trump is good enough to mesmerize tens of millions he is not a crook, embezzler, rapist and evey other damn thing he actually is, so there is that.
Possibly John F Kennedy outside my lifetime.
living: Clinton & Obama
dead: Lincoln, FDR, Kennedy
He still makes me cry tears of hope & love.
Smooth, smart, articulate, interesting, well paced.
Just the best.
But I have to also add Reagan. He was funny and well measured. Great speaker as well.
Overall? Teddy Roosevelt. Dude took a bullet and continued a speech