On the first day of classes a few years ago I texted my husband "where does someone even get an LEI baby tee in 2021?" And he wrote back immediately "in their mom's closet." Wounded
When I was 15 in the late '90s my grandmother gave me a whole bag of my mom's clothes from the '70s and I really wish I still had some of them because that cycle is so real.
This is giving me flashbacks to how thrilling it was when giant pants went out of fashion and you could finally get a good look at people's butts. I suppose the youths have that to look forward to.
My main beef is that Kenny is very obviously a… word I can’t say that we somehow thought was okay to say in the 1990s… and yet dresses like a raver, which is weird
I used to go to parties a lot too...but I never dressed like it.