"the shooter was Italianx Mishima and wanted to revitalize Japan despite being the whitest man known to existence. he was also railing against the woke mind virus and hates vaccines"
Reposted from
Sharon β¨οΈπ¨π¦
the absurdity of the modern social world with its various contradictions will probably continue to get weirder and weirder as time goes on
He posted a lot. Most of it anodyne Linkedin nonsense, aspirational quotes, and the occasional incoherent political musing. It's not that serious.
Most violence and abuse just boils down to someone's parents not loving them right.
The revolution will include healing young children with insecure attachments.
Millennials took the brunt of hits to our career during the Great Recession.
We started out in the workforce realizing capitalist stability was a lie and having an ok paying job is hardly guaranteed.