But to the larger point? Mostly showing some spine and actually trying to prevent some of the heinous shit coming instead of hand-wringing over “common ground.” (Had no idea who you were, quite frankly. Was responding to the original poster.)
One issue: Nathan Batto finds these 立法院 fights are generally publicity stunts. That reduces their utility as a signaling device, as people just roll their eyes at the posturing.
Don’t mind me, work is a little insane at the moment.
Taiwanese pig farmers denounced this stunt as food waste.
Let's tell him. A LOT.
Get annoying.
Phone calls and physical mail.
(Emails are going unopened. Petitions go nowhere.)
That's what they are waiting for.
Phone calls.
Physical mail.
Call/mail anyone and everyone, not just "yours"
If you're not getting assaulted by Republican congressfolk, you're not going far enough.
And all because Sumner was a relentless shittalker that Massachusetts sent to DC specifically to piss slavocrats off.
He did not equivocate, and he told no falsehoods. And damn if that didn't anger many a petty little man.