The idea that birthright citizenship will lead to “our” country being taken away from “us” is pretty chilling, especially combined with his quote about someone saving the nation breaking no laws.
Pretty clearly laying the groundwork for genocide here.
Given how Gorsuch ruled in Bostock, no way the SC overturns birthright citizenship. The language of the Fourteenth amendment is even plainer and simpler than the Civil Rights Act.
Agree. The arguments are ridiculous, which normally wouldn't be a deal breaker for him, but will be this time.
I think this will be unanimous. Barrett and Roberts, at least. Alito and Thomas far from certain, but the idea of forcing the people at issue to prove their mother's legal status in ...
Has anyone taken the megamind move of arguing that the 14th did not apply to slaves illegally trafficked into the US after the trans-Atlantic slave trade was banned?
Even if that were true. . . it doesn't really matter what it was "about", what matters is what they actually passed. The Constitution could, in principle, be amended if enough of the country agreed this was a problem. It's telling that they are trying to justify ignoring the Constitution instead.
Pretty clearly laying the groundwork for genocide here.
It will start at gitmo. Then move to prisons via death penalty for non-whites. Then RFKs "wellness camps". Eventually the streets.
I think this will be unanimous. Barrett and Roberts, at least. Alito and Thomas far from certain, but the idea of forcing the people at issue to prove their mother's legal status in ...
Then they will remove other people’s citizenship and turn them into slaves.
All whilst insisting they don’t actually have slavery.
They are building concentration camps.