There are so many pet cats that wander all over our area, I want to say in the gentlest possible way that if you didn't know, it's bad for cats, people, and the environment to let pet cats wander around outside unsupervised. If you didn't already know this, consider transitioning to indoor only!
I'm ok with them endangering themselves, but they're endangering their cats, instead.
🚨 The death rate for avian flu in humans is 54%
It’s also a dog’s nature to hunt in packs, but we don’t turf them out into the streets to gather with the rest of the neighbourhood dogs, and have them go hunting.
The dogs name is Oakley and I'm a tall dude but that dogs head is like the size of my torso. Pokemon dog fr haha
Harness training is another option. Or even cat-proof backyards! (They can be done.Its hella impressive.)
honestly do that anyway but ESPECIALLY if they're EVER outside AT ALL
and you're absolutely right - smaller cats could be at even greater risk.