I'm usually of the opinion that Presidents can't honestly take credit for whatever happened to the economy during their tenure. But a tariff war with our biggest trade partners qualifies as a legitimate exception.
Biden may or may not have created the booming economy, but Trump sure wrecked it.
Republicans want us poor. They want us sick. They want us ignorant. They want us scared. They want us hungry, religious and pregnant. I am getting fed up. I'll be in DC whenever you call. A few hundred thousand angry people marching around the capitol and the white house for a start.
He also presided over continuous wage growth, record high employment, and cemented America's leadership in the nascent AI and quantum computing fields.
His economic policies sustained high growth amid high interest rates, which is a first in recent times.
Yay.. the dems did not communicate this and supported netanyahu, neo-cons and corporations... 140 million did not want this and dems lost because of that..
How I miss Joe. Wonder how he feels about trump damaging our country so badly...probably killing him if he can't avoid it in total.💔
Anyone know if Kamala is being quiet or just that media won't cover her(per usual)?
Purposely done so his billionaire buddies can buy low and sell high...notice how he flip-flops on tariffs which manipulates the markets...he did the same thing between '17 & '21. It was illegal then, and its illegal now.
Some Americans seem to imagine that Trump will rebuild a new country after he tears down the old one.
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
1.) I woke up you were still tstststsing he was still xxxing
2.) I woke up disappointed you were still there
3.) I woke up disgusted you and he were still there
4.) I woke up too depressed to think about you and him
5.) I WOKE UP!
Fuck both of you...
Complete insanity. Which is disabling. Republicans would be losing their shit if it were reversed. They'd be pushing 25th amendment. Why aren't we? Trump is disabled! Period! Republicans are covering because they want to be rich too and believe his lies OR are afraid of the insanely disabled bully.
Every time I hear one of tRump's sycophants refer to the so-called "disastrous" economy of Mr. Biden, I think of the "Ministry of Truth." Republicans: Ninety Eighty Four is not a presidential playbook!
And the people who called him "Genocide Joe" may be wondering if they were throwing rocks at the wrong guy. Or may be they arent because there is no wiggle room in the mind of the absolutists.
He supported Israel and Ukraine.Yemen, bombing of Syria/Iraq border. His whole career was like that. Bending the knee to Netanyahu. Zionists are trash.
A tale of one country.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,… , it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
Six weeks into the Trump presidency, and we’ve already hit world-record levels of corruption. Not even a subtle kind, either—this is corruption with a fireworks display, a marching band, and an overpriced VIP section at Mar-a-Lago. https://aiwillybillhuman.substack.com/p/the-most-corrupt-administration-in
All wiped out and the country plunged into fascism while he ignored a coup. Teeing the US up for this is his only lasting legacy. The rest is being erased as he should have understood or perhaps did understand.
Even before the election, Trump boasted that the good results on the stock market were a result of people expecting him to win the election.
But now that the results are disappointing, it is all the result of "Bidenonomics.
Monica, isn't it ironic that on one hand, Joe was completely out of it, on the other hand he was a mastermind of every nefarious thing - at least those things that weren't being done by George Soros?
Watching him eviscerate his Republican colleagues for five minutes was so inspirational. Seeing him pound on the table to emphasize his outrage was a thing of beauty. All heroes don't wear capes.
He recently just said in a Fox interview. That we have to give him time to rebuild the economy that we should not look at it in just one quarter, more like how China does. A 100 years out. In other words, he's not gonna do jack shit about the economy. But destroy it and rip us off.
He should have used the Immunity Clause and done SOMETHING, ANYTHING to stop this, or even Cripple it, esp since he cried from the mountaintops that f-ing Barbarians we’re at the gate ie Authoritarianism ❗️The time he had from Nov 6th to Jan 19th.
Squandered ❗️
Yeah I’m mad❗️
So, after all that supposed effort & progress... why did Biden just go ahead and crash the stock market? We know he did 'cuz trump said so. He must have done it to make trump look bad, right? I'll bet he was mad because Kamala didn't win, that has to be the reason.
When I think of the horrific historical circumstances that brought about totalitarianism in other times and places, I wonder what the history books will say about us.
"For the first time in quite a while, things were going well. And people were like, "F- this, lets be Nazis," bc they were dumb."
Border crossings down 24%, asylum seekers hosed in America until his/her hearing, forced inhumane barbed wire off the buoys on the Rio Grande preventing children from getting tangled in it with severe injuries and drowning deaths, OUR ALLIES WERE WITH US, NATO….. sure miss sleepy Joe. Doer of good!
MSM fails to educate, inform the public , then there are media owners that it’s their business to misinform the public Ie: Fox , Sinclair, and others
Vast amounts of people are ignorant of facts , they’re fed nonsense, bs all day long
I still question why people voted for this crazed man twice. My mom had a thing about honesty (thank heavens) and always said she was more afraid of a liar than she was a snake. Why, why, why did,
and do, people trust this guy! Country over party!
Thank you, Joe. Even though the Orange Menace never shut up, never gave us a moment’s peace from his idiocy during your presidency, you kept your eye on the prize, you represented all American citizens with integrity and produced solid results. I miss you, Joe.
Sleepy Joe meant ‘We could sleep at night’ unafraid that he was plotting to overthrow our Constitution and any part of the world he could glom onto -by hook or crook!
If he can add so much to the economy imaging what would have happened if he was not sleepy. There would be so much more money we would know how to spend.
A standard (true to the fact) comment: A "Sleepy Joe" moniker was a well earned praise, as during Biden's term people could sleep well, knowing that their country is being well cared for while they sleep.
Let's be honest ... the Traitor is deliberately crashing the economy for his boss Putin. Russians hold the notes on a majority of Trump crime family "businesses". They bought Agent Krasnov's ass in 1987.
And we called him Sleepy Joe because we could sleep at night 🛌 not worrying we’d wake up to chaos & disorder & chainsaws from Trump’s thugs — a new crisis every damn day 🤦♀️
Want to know the biggest difference?
So called "Sleepy Joe" was working for the country.
Von Shitzinpantz has always worked for himself.
It's that simple.
Also he lacks zero morals, ethics, honour and maturity.
You know what gets me is the hypocrisy. In Biden’s first quarter, the inflation was his fault. He was President. But now, the economy in free fall is also Biden’s fault because he was President. Somehow it’s never the felon’s fault, ever.🤷🏼
40% of voters still think he’s doing a good job… the information is the problem. That’s what must be solved. If we could all finally baseline in reality he’d never stand a chance.
Wont happen so long as Fox news remains intact and keeps spewing propaganda. you'd think being sued for record amounts successfully for lying would be a clue..
Did the minimum wage rise once to reflect this “boom”?
The boom was only for those paying politicians, the wealthiest 5%.
So stop with the BS about how well the Dems were doing. It’s not fooling anyone but those blinded by hatred for the Orange man. While he might be a prick, people voted
Yea, tell me how stupid the American people are who elected the failed business man, again, over the party who resurrected the former president’s failures and made our economy the envy of the world. SMH for this country.
While VERY close to Trump’s first administration, as measured by percentage growth of the S&P, the market grew slightly smaller with Biden. Overall Clinton by far had the largest market growth during his administration.
Let’s stop with the Sleepy Joe. He was too busy working for America to sleep unlike the current occupant who plays golf and watches tv on our dime while his enablers attempt to destroy the government and its institutions
I will never believe that azzhole won the election. The Dems folded their tents and left without so much as a single recount or audit. Don't say she ran out of money cause they were rolling in it till the end. Things happened that should have been investigated before any concession. 2016 all over.
Is he also trying to remove the mention of women in official documents? Isn't that a direct violation of the first amendment? He's so hyperbolic in his misogyny. Women terrifiy him.✌🏼
If F47 was a real business man, he would be paying some bozo ex-reality tv star to act president, taking blame and bullets while he ruled from the side-line unscathed 💡
Measuring the health of the economy by the stock market means measuring it only based on how corporations are doing. It doesn't show how housing prices and rent are at untenable levels. It doesn't show that food was already expensive. And it doesn't show how stagnant wages are comparatively.
That’s beside the point. The point is corporations are successful by taking advantage of working class people. Why would they not expect this from a country run like a business?
Idiot. Plain and simple. Watch out, he will loot the country when no one is watching. Remember PPP loans during Covid. I don’t think there was ever an audit.
Sleepy Joe was asleep at the wheel while allowing Merrick Garland to sit around with his thumb up his ass, all concerned about optics, norms & decorum, thus failing to convict & jail Trump for sedition & espionage, allowing him to steal the presidency a 2nd time & institute fascist Totalitarianism.
I feel same. Also, I’m pissed he left us with SCOTUS too and didn’t pull a deep state on them- resulting in 3-4 black robed gangsters handing in their resignation and/or retirement letters, like it’s just another Tuesday.
Some business man! That 🍊💩4🧠s BANKRUPT 3 casinos! You gotta be some kind of stupid to tank a casino!!! And THIS makes that 🍊💩 a great business man .. according to MAGAts and all the REPUBLICAN sycophants!!
Biden may or may not have created the booming economy, but Trump sure wrecked it.
His economic policies sustained high growth amid high interest rates, which is a first in recent times.
Trump destroyed the economy before him.
Anyone know if Kamala is being quiet or just that media won't cover her(per usual)?
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
2.) I woke up disappointed you were still there
3.) I woke up disgusted you and he were still there
4.) I woke up too depressed to think about you and him
5.) I WOKE UP!
Fuck both of you...
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief,… , it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”
Obama- 4.6 million
DT 1.0- 1.2 million
Joe Biden- 4.9 million
The RNC did one hell of a SALES Job
and the DNC sucked Lemons on this one
Pretty apropos 🙌
Which part?
DOW - UP massively in Biden's term
Unemployment - Down
Inflation - Coming down since the post-covid PPP stupidity
Which part was terrible?
But now that the results are disappointing, it is all the result of "Bidenonomics.
Squandered ❗️
Yeah I’m mad❗️
Number of days is open to debate
"For the first time in quite a while, things were going well. And people were like, "F- this, lets be Nazis," bc they were dumb."
I miss sleepy Joe.
Vast amounts of people are ignorant of facts , they’re fed nonsense, bs all day long
He was really only called “Sleepy Joe” because we were all sleeping better when he was in the White House! 😴💙
and do, people trust this guy! Country over party!
people have been pretty stupid since the ice melted. (no solid evidence before)
We've 12,000 years and the big "Number of days without war" still stands where it started - "0"
Call me when that changes
Bad for the U.S. is good for Russia.
So called "Sleepy Joe" was working for the country.
Von Shitzinpantz has always worked for himself.
It's that simple.
Also he lacks zero morals, ethics, honour and maturity.
The boom was only for those paying politicians, the wealthiest 5%.
So stop with the BS about how well the Dems were doing. It’s not fooling anyone but those blinded by hatred for the Orange man. While he might be a prick, people voted
This isn't the flex you think it is.
Because corporations are famously fair to their employees and honest with their customers
Do they think they’re the shareholders? Because I’ve got bad news for them…
I’m just saying people are fucking stupid.
boring and effective and that’s a good thing.