Pretend it’s Romeo and Juliet only they lived and became the heads of their families and their families were crime families and also the most powerful families and they combined them and then killed all the poor people.
Yeah, I wish the Iago character would get caught stealing the silverware or the Queen or something like that to break up the destructive harmony they have got going.
Well. King Lear ends poorly for Lear. Sadly, it also ends poorly for Cordelia, who in the updated version should be called “Columbia”, but most still won’t get it. I presume unless we throw some Macbeth into the mix, we’re not gonna have a silver lining.
At this point, the White House feels like an improv troupe that lost the script, but instead of "yes, and," they just keep doubling down on the absurdity. Waiting for Act II, where someone finally drops the prop crown.
The scariest part of that analogy is the French invasion of Lear’s divided kingdom. It was all there. That’s what happens to your country when voters who’ve never read Shakespeare outnumber everyone.
Shakespeare lived through a conflict between Catholics and Protestants. The old king had three daughters and wanted to split his kingdom three ways. Only his two eldest stroked his ego. His youngest spoke the truth, so she was disinherited. The two eldest soon abandoned him and fought each other.
The old man soon went mad. In the end everyone is dead because it’s a tragedy. It’s complicated but so was the Protestant Reformation and Henry the 8th’s need for an heir.
Get D’s to file a Bill ordering that ALL non-political civil staff fired be REHIRED IMMEDIATELY!
FORCE the vote, and find out who is really for the People (innocent civil servants) and who is for the Oligarchs.
no royal blood. no right to ascension. nada. he's a pissant who should be at the walls of the castle wearing a potato sack and walking around in those curly pointee shoes like an umpaloompa.
Sorry MAGA. the one you thought would be king is nothing but a pauper to a jester named MUSK
The catch…no one gets voted out
This sequel sucks.
General Strike
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If only…
I can just imagine someone pulling all those strings to make him dance ohhh wait that’s Putin…
MAKE Congress pass the Law.
Get D’s to file a Bill ordering that ALL non-political civil staff fired be REHIRED IMMEDIATELY!
FORCE the vote, and find out who is really for the People (innocent civil servants) and who is for the Oligarchs.
[Say it in an Oirish accent]
Technical error
Sorry MAGA. the one you thought would be king is nothing but a pauper to a jester named MUSK