This is huge news.
This opens up the possibility of a viable treatment for a range of auto-inmune diseases, not just Lupus.
This opens up the possibility of a viable treatment for a range of auto-inmune diseases, not just Lupus.
Unfortunately there will also be scientists in the US getting funded to do crap science.
Here's some research being done in Brisbane
Much of this reaches far beyond one or two terms.
Plenty of huge, non-US pharma companies that can do this without the US.
GSK & AZ are UK
Novartis g Roche are Swiss
Sanofi is French
I hope this, or some other awesome new discovery helps you.
The world will keep turning, the US might just have to catch up when it's ready
A part of her treatment is Keytruda (which after I did some research is the medicine or has the medicine mentioned in the article).
As of September, her scans showed (and continue to show) 0.00%.
This shit works ❤️😭❤️
It's really hard to navigate this stuff if you have no healthcare background.
My wife had non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and I was so glad I had the limited knowledge I did at the time, but more importantly I knew the questions to ask,who to ask, and when to ask.
But I always got mixed up with what was her regular treatment and what was part of a drug trial she’s in. Which she couldn’t even start until later this year.
You know all about asking the right questions at the right time 👍😂
Let me live enough/more years to benefit!
But it might take the failure of something like this in that case to lead to the next breakthrough.
It's still early days
It is also essential.
Good luck!
*no offence intended to frogs or anyone who likes frogs
The point of my post is to let people know that there is hope and work is being done in this area...and that breakthroughs do happen.
So will good scientis6in the US. It will just be much harder to get the funding and to get approvals. 😔
CAR-T is financially expensive (for the Pt. and/or system), can have severe adverse effects, & the benefit is not so clear.
This is one that caught my eye because my wife was a haem pt. being considered for CAR-T before she actually got the all clear and because auto-inmune diseases are so mysterious.
I hope not, but sadly wouldn't be surprised.
There is awesome research being done all around the world though.
And should that be across the board, or do you figure some people ought to be saved, starting with you and your loved ones?
It might have been to you but there are too many examples the concept of eugenics creeping into medical decisions.
I'll accept that wasn't what intended people to infer and that too often subtlety is lost in these situations.
Please try to be a little more careful.🙏
1. I'm not a statistician
2. I don't have all the data
3. I have to make a huge amount of assumptions
4. Diseases are rarely eradicated
5. Consider the difference between eradication and elimination
7. Assume eradication to mean mortality of *all* auto-immune diseases is reduced to zero.
8. Actual prevalence of auto-immune diseases in large scale (global) populations is unknown
9. Prevalence is lower in less developed countries
12. Assume the average life expectancy, averaged across all auto-immune diseases to be approx 10% lower than that of the global population (this is a *very high* estimate)
13. Mean global population life expectancy to be 73.16 years
15. Assume latest childhbearing age to be 55 years
16. Assume 75% of person affected by auto-immune diseases to be female
17. Global population assumed as 8.2 billion (slightly high today)
Global mean life expectancy of 73.16 years less 10% = 65.84 years as the mean life expectancy of people with auto-immune diseases (a low estimate remember)
I'm just excited about some pretty awesome medical research that gives some hope to people suffering from debilitating and often fatal diseases.
I don't have all the answers, but I do want to help people in ways that I actually can.
The are things you need to discuss with your treatment team. Ask as many questions as you need to be happy with the answers you get. If you don't understand ask again. And again.
Take trusted friend or family member if you want.
Fortunately many other places have excellent universal healthcare.
I guess that no-one will be soon...
(yeah, I am making fun...if you don't laugh...)
Have hope.
It's incredibly expensive. It is technologically complex & specific. They take out your own T cells genetically modify them to specifically attack the target B cells in your body, and inject it back into you to do its job.
Will depend on the health system in your country.
It can be pretty rough for some.
Good research takes time, and then you need approvals, and then it needs to be funded.
CAR-T cost about $1 million per treatment right now (depends on where you are...). The cost will come down but that takes time.
Now we have to keep RFKJr away from it!!!
Fingers crossed, this gets the ball rolling in a big way.
I'm just sharing incredible science.
But good luck
Fortunately not everyone in the world lives in a country where the health system is as broken as the system in the US. 😔
I hope I'm wrong but I can't see this sort of treatment getting funding under RFK Jr.
Hopefully studies like this can improve accessibility (that's going to take time, but 🤞)
Like *any* medical treatment it's a decision that needs to weigh up all the pros and cons, and should be made in consult with a patient's MDT
Remember, I'm only acknowledging the awesome work of actual researchers.
I don't think B cells play a major part in Hashimoto's.
Any #immunologists or #rheumatoligists that can jump in?
Other trials also appear to show promising results.
Talk with your treatment team find out if there are clinical trials open & if you qualify.
Remember there are risks involved. It's NOT a magic bullet
Call it horse wormer?
This particular research was not done in the US. There are awesome medical researchers all around the world.
And, yes, I acknowledge that a huge amount of really important research comes out of the US, and this sort of research will likely suffer there for now (and take a long time to recover) 😔
CAR-T is extremely expensive and can have *extremely* severe adverse effects. CRS, neurotoxicity, cytopenia, Hypogammaglobulinaemia, etc..
It is often considered as a last line treatment for potentially fatal conditions.
Even if that's only letting people know about what's going on.
2 months from now but you have a pre-existing condition so you're no longer eligible for the treatment. MAGA!
“The results are intriguing, but they need to be replicated…, says Jay Skyler, an endocrinologist at the University of Miami,…who studies type 1 diabetes. …also wants to see that the woman… produce insulin for up to five years, before considering her ‘cured’.”
Don't sleep on EPCs
How about you, are you taking care of yourself too?
Medical research needs support.
I know that in some circumstances that is easier said than done through.
On the bright side, these out-of-work guys may get jobs with Bobby's new bubonic plague rat reinfection project.
The US is not the only country that does/funds incredible medical research.
Good luck 🤞🏻
HSCT would generally only be considered in refractory cases where the patients prospects without further treatment are very poor.
*Trust YOUR medical team.
HSCT is offered as a first line treatment in many countries and even the NHS in the UK treats people with eg MS relatively early in the disease.
HSCT Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for MS and Autoimmune Disorders 🙂
Sometimes hearing what you want to hear is the best treatment of that is what works for you.
Do you take *any* medication at all?
What email service do you use? One provided by a company?
Do you only buy your food from roadside food stalls set up by the kids of independent farmers?
Bet you're glad smallpox has been eradicated...except don't forget the US refused to destroy the last remaining stock. Don't get measles or mumps, it's pretty awful for adult males
It's not a magic bullet–there are risks involved and I shudder to think what the cost would be in the US without insurance that would cover this sort of treatment.
Amazingly, somehow I was cured, thanking doctors and my family.
But to see this treatment happening today… how heartening and wonderful breakthroughs in medical science can be!
Not everyone in the world has to put up with a chronically broken health system.
I'm really sorry for your friend's situation, that's terrible. No-one should ever be forced to lose everything for medical care.
It won't work for everyone. It won't work for every auto-inmune disease.
There is a LOT of work still to do.
Yes, it just might take longer than we hope.