I posted yesterday, if foreign countries are afraid and want the trillions of US debt repaid before he bankrupts the US, Canada was the top 5foreign debt carrier and were cashing in US bonds, how much, who knows, Trump doesn’t think, he’s too busy crapping on countries and destroying his country
To be Fair....the MAGA voter is convinced the Biden Economy was a Disaster....What we are going through, the exact opposite must be a Campaign Promise Delivered. Promises made Delivered.
And MAGA, since they watch Fox, think Biden did the worst job in the history of the world, on the economy, just because prices went up in every nation on earth due to Covid over stimulus, that was mishandled by Mnuchin and Trump. It’s going to take a French style Revolution.
Searched for gerald Sussman Ukraine 🇺🇦
Found this It's still quite relevant today It did annoy the pro Ukraine 🇺🇦 crowd when I shared this widely. It's really important for everyone Possibly got complained on about posting this content I did get called a troll a bot fake news
All of fall of eagles 5 6 & 12. 11 & 13 seem alright. Lenin was proven right about everything. His portrayal of Lenin seems to match Brian Becker on the Socialist Program. It's not an anti imperialist when comes to the Romanov legacy all dying is what liberated Russia.
All of fall of eagles 5 6 & 12. 11 & 13 seem alright. Lenin was proven right about everything. His portrayal of Lenin seems to match Brian Becker on the Socialist Program. It's not an anti imperialist when comes to the Romanov legacy all dying is what liberated Russia.
The only reason we ever had trump is that Bernie sanders got screwed. Just like https://pslweb.org was screwed by the democratic party. That and running so far right that no leftist will ever vote democrat. Now even if the democrats ran Bernie I'd still vote socialist. https://Pslweb.org
The crash is caused by all the uncertainty that Trump is causing. He's wrecking the place (USA) out of a desire for revenge, spite, satisfying religidiot ideals, all sorts of hate. Once he's done all that, he is nothing. I can see the world working out ways around USA instead of negotiating.
Clear difference in one wanting to build up the country from the bottom up and inside out and the other one who is out for revenge, retribution and transactional rule. A government by the billionaires for the billionaires.
YEA PRESIDENT BIDEN!! He did a much better job of working for the Americans instead of trying to divide and destroy America like TSF is doing right now.
Waging war to increase GDP, this is what the USA does for profit. Kill for profits. And the public brags about it, disgusting! USA is a militaristic state who rages wars across the globe for profits. Only the rich benefit, yet here we are listening to the public who have no clue.
Tthe guy who bankrupted seven (or was it eight?) of his businesses tanked our economy in 45 days...trump is a caricature who had a highly-edited tv show, acted like a businessman. He's the guy who started the fire and acts like he is the fire marshal and knows how to put it out. He does not...
"It took the Nazis one month, three weeks, two days, eight hours & 40 minutes to dismantle a constitutional republic. Tyranny requires your fear & your silence & your compliance. Democracy requires your courage." https://www.nprillinois.org/government-p...
Most aren’t “idiots,” just misinformed and not curious enough to search for facts. I feel sorry for people who believe every word Trump says. I used to go to church and was friends with lovely people, but left & lost touch when they began worshipping at Trump’s feet, instead of the Lord’s.
This is all true, but it's disingenuous to imply that Bidens' economy was working for your average everyday American. The billionaire class was the only demographic reaping the benefits of those figures.
Things are worse for everyone now, to be sure. But it's still worth pointing out.
As Long as I live I never understand what created so stupid evil American White Supremacy voters and how the hell do they Think we outside the MAGA boble See Them. They are weird
Scary weird zombies from hell
Go away
Charles Schwab reportpointed out that 2024 “was a very good year.” The S&P 500 was up more than 23 percent, marking the second consecutive year with gains of more than 20 percent — the first time since the late 1990s. 😎
But I'm told Biden made a horrible mess, thew the world into a huge recession, which he somehow kept secret until now! Can some Trumper explain this bs they keep repeating?
I'm aware Hunter Biden is broke after his house was burnt in the wildfires, I wasn't aware he was ever bankrupt. Perhaps you can detail the date(s) Hunter was bankrupt?
Vlad and Elon are running the show. It is them who needs to sleep. All Don the Con is doing is flapping his lips. He just needs to learn how to shut up.
Sadly, the biggest mouth got the votes, by repeating his greatest hits for the Art of the Deal/Steal: lies, conspiracies, "alternative facts" and his cult followers were to indoctrinated to know the difference! I know we are supposed to forgive, but this depth ignorance is unforgivable!
The "greatest businessman ever" declared bankruptcy multiple times and bankrupted several casinos which are basically money printing presses. If thats tjr greatest, what the fuck does the worst look like? Just sayin'.
This is a consequence of when the mob tried to legitimise themselves by calling themselves businessmen. They couldn't do straight business just as they can't do politics, foreign or domestic properly without intimidation, bullying or violence.
When in doubt, do nothing, say nothing but most of all, buy nothing.
That sits at the very heart of the current American economy.
You own it but they don't want you to understand you own it.
You believe trump was publicly offering to blow Elon on the Capitol steps because we don't have power?
He also set Trump up for success with his investments in policing and violence against student encampments. He also literally is how genocide was so easily possible.
I am changing my party affiliation to independent. I have zero faith in the Democrats… I’m actually embarrassed to be a democrat. Democrats in Washington are a disgrace to We The People. Spineless, worthless. POS
And after doing a great job, Sleepy Joe was rewarded with a month of humiliation and was forced out of the presidency from his own party just so they could lose in every possible way
He was parked in front of a TV, sleeping while Ron Klain & Jeff Zients ran the show. I'm not impressed with Biden, he was only there to keep Bernie out.
I miss Joe Biden
He did seem a little sleepy at times, but he is a good man and was a really good President
When he had his disastrous debate with Trump I cried
Pay attention. This is all Bidens fault. He is gonna fix it all on day 1. It’s just that day 1 is the longest day in history as it won’t end. Things better yet ?
First, he's not the greatest business man ever, and yes, I know it's not your words. He's as dumb as a rock and his 6 bankruptcy prove that. Second, fuck republicans, they did this
I think the fact that the only money he ever made came from buying properties for pennies on the dollar during economic slumps probably has something to do with that!
"Trump's...technological imperialist/monarchist plans of Elon Musk’s Neo-Reactionary (NRx)...philosophy. NRx is a belief that democracy must be eliminated and the country run under a corporatist, technological dictatorship..."
And prices weren't high because of Joe. They were high because of corporate greed. When Covid was contained they refused to take prices back down after supply chain issues because they got used to higher profits.
Worse, a big reason for global inflation was government stimulus which came from printing money and increasing deficits that was handled by Mnuchin and Trump. Biden had no choice but to minimise the effect. Which he did better than most every other G20 country!
You would be shocked to learn that after every stock hike comes a steep decline. Current state of the Wall Street casino is certainly not an economic indicator.
And I keep reading FB posts about how awful the last 4 years were. I respond by saying’I know, highest employment figures. Solid stock market and same things you list, then write that they are drinking the kool aid.
Musk-tRump is the greatest anti-genius in human history! It’s now a proven fact that this two headed monster has caused the failure(bankruptcy) of at least 8 businesses! Three of those were casinos! Who bankrupts a casino? You really have to be a crap of a business man to accomplish that!
Don't forget these accomplishments came AFTER A GLOBAL PANDEMIC!
Good grief if anybody had any real balls people would have talked about the achievment of inflation being kept as low as it was. Not to mention avoiding recession.
Everything comes down to marketing.
They didn't hire the right people to market effectively. Biden was hiden a lot.
When people complained about prices they were told they were wrong.
People felt unheard.
The only effective speaker was Buttigieg who speaks plainly.
The need trained surrogates.
The anti-Biden propaganda ramped up on Fox News the moment Biden was inaugurated. 24x7 from then on. Unless you force yourself to see it, it's hard to believe.
We will continue to stand up to take the GO Nazi Putin Party out of power! Trump & the Republicans are domestic enemies now siding with foreign enemies. I plan to defy them at an early morning commuter route with messages: REVOLT! Once launched, our rebellion will not blow up like Musk's rockets..!
“Strongest economy in the world and the fastest recovery thanks to President Joe Biden, Janet Yellen and Fed! It is being tanked by Trump, Vance, Republicans, Bessent and Musk in under 50 days!
It’s e REALITY SHOW. Of course it was all make believe 🐂💩. For some reasons stupid people don’t understand that all those reality shows are completely fake and scripted.
Raze it to the ground!
He is just a Mob boss.
Trump is an idiot —always has been.
Now? We are allies with russia
Watchdog agencies wiped out
Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security under act as entitlements even though it’s our money
Killing the IRS and National Parks two revenue generating agencies
Searched for gerald Sussman Ukraine 🇺🇦
Found this It's still quite relevant today It did annoy the pro Ukraine 🇺🇦 crowd when I shared this widely. It's really important for everyone Possibly got complained on about posting this content I did get called a troll a bot fake news
All of fall of eagles 5 6 & 12. 11 & 13 seem alright. Lenin was proven right about everything. His portrayal of Lenin seems to match Brian Becker on the Socialist Program. It's not an anti imperialist when comes to the Romanov legacy all dying is what liberated Russia.
All of fall of eagles 5 6 & 12. 11 & 13 seem alright. Lenin was proven right about everything. His portrayal of Lenin seems to match Brian Becker on the Socialist Program. It's not an anti imperialist when comes to the Romanov legacy all dying is what liberated Russia.
The only reason we ever had trump is that Bernie sanders got screwed. Just like https://pslweb.org was screwed by the democratic party. That and running so far right that no leftist will ever vote democrat. Now even if the democrats ran Bernie I'd still vote socialist. https://Pslweb.org
Which part?
DOW - UP massively in Biden's term
Unemployment - Down
Inflation - Coming down since the post-covid PPP stupidity
Which part was terrible?
Things are worse for everyone now, to be sure. But it's still worth pointing out.
Scary weird zombies from hell
Go away
B'cuz thanks to him we all could sleep!
Thank you Joe 👏🏻 #DarkBrandon
Biden: 0
Trump: 6, including 4 casinos
The past is a good predictor of future behavior.
Just sayin'
That's still not bankrupt.
The only thing he hasn’t broken is his dancing.
He’s amazing at business—Who else has managed to bankrupt so many companies, created so many fraudulent operations.
Have to admit he’s good at what he does—destroys profitability, and rips people off.
Don't support fascism.
That sits at the very heart of the current American economy.
You own it but they don't want you to understand you own it.
You believe trump was publicly offering to blow Elon on the Capitol steps because we don't have power?
Not the comparison you want out there 🙄
petty fool he is.
He did seem a little sleepy at times, but he is a good man and was a really good President
When he had his disastrous debate with Trump I cried
that means that the 'uber hoover' is WORSE THAN NOTHING
Think hard on THAT for a millisecond!
When Biden was President, I was feeling very comfortable about retirement.
Now it looks like I'll have to work longer and pay more into Social Security so that Elon can keep my benefits from me in the future!
Good grief if anybody had any real balls people would have talked about the achievment of inflation being kept as low as it was. Not to mention avoiding recession.
They didn't hire the right people to market effectively. Biden was hiden a lot.
When people complained about prices they were told they were wrong.
People felt unheard.
The only effective speaker was Buttigieg who speaks plainly.
The need trained surrogates.
We need more than one to be effective.
every two hours, either.