It's just embarrassing. No wonder he wants to go to Mars. We should all be jolly ing him along really and then breathing a sigh of relief when he eventually goes.
The upside is, he's getting this worked up because it's working. Tesla has lost over 30% of its value in 1 month. If Tesla drops below about 150 Elon will get margin called, he doesn't have the cash or assets to avoid it. Essentially making him broke. That will be the end of Elons relevance.
"I've never hurt physically anyone" versus "I am a deadly threat to... the humans" He might well be a sociopath but he definitely cannot speak coherently.
A sociopath who is gayly trashing the Federal system blithely assuming physical violence is the only problem which allows him to ignores the wreckage he leaves in his rear view mirror.
Come the reckoning, Musk and others of his ilk need to be stripped of their wealth to help fund the Post-Maga reconstruction of the US and pay for the damage they all caused.
It used to be called being a social justice warrior. Before that it was political correctness gone mad. I'm sure there were other euphemisms before that. Arseholes love thinking up nasty sounding words to describe not being an arsehole
The simplest solution here is that you're a jerk, a hypercapitalist who won't use his money to help others, and a fascist, Elon. That's why we don't like you.
Mentally-healthy people understand that others can oppose them in good faith.
The other forms of harms he has caused are lengthy.
We’re going to have parades where his head is the featured attraction at this rate.
Now piss off and overdo it on the Ketamine and do us all a favour 🖕
Why are these guys obsessed with bringing back medieval levels of morality?
K- hole
it is 😱
Musk is a cabbage at best.
I can guarantee a lot of folks will like you...when your dead.
Be a shit. Get treated like shit.