Pray every day for my country for God to restore and redirect it way ....... It was really beautiful in the 19s ........ someone really needs to teach this so called leaders
People were sent to prison for telling people about Russian interference in the 2016 election, but the person who benefited from that and the 2024 election is now president. Makes no sense
This should wake up every voter on the negligence & laziness of Congress..Doubt Founding Fathers imagined the likes of Trump,MAGA GOP or corrupt SCOTUS..No experience,qualifications required,compromised candidates for POTUS welcome.How many places of employment would this exclude applicants from?
Such a pity. That Overton window has shifted so far that we can't even envision where the middle used to be or what the guardrails were when many of the things that happen now could never have even been conceived of as acceptable behavior.
Write your elected representatives! The 14th amendment should have kept the GOP candidate off the ballot, but Congress won’t act! I just wrote my rep again, and we all have to keep writing, every day, until our laws are honored!
I almost did not get accepted into the Peace Corps, in 1982, because I’d admitted to smoking marijuana a few times while in college. Talk about being a potential threat to national security! We live in a seriously f*cked-up country.
It almost feels like the country was teleported onto the set of Dr. Strangelove with Trump in the role of Jack Ripper. Only this time, instead of Russia, he thinks NATO is out to get us.
You need to understand the minds of trump voters. First, find a great psychiatrist. Second, interview a large number of trump voters to see if there are any sane ones like ask them what color is their sky? And, who’s on first? Were they hugged as children? Do they need retribution?
A criminal with multiple active convictions ie those he is yet to serve time for, is actually going to be your Commander in Chief. For The Second Time! Beggars belief. What is it about your country's Constitution that allows this to happen?
I can't believe they actually voted that F head into power we are all in it together literally ......I am not in the country presently working out of the country but still makes it hard for my love ones in the country to get their rights
If you even hinted that you may have smoked weed once, they wouldn’t take you in the army. Now the dumbest most openly corrupt fellon on the planet gets the highest office.
I had to sign a piece of paper acknowledging that I did not pay a $3.00 late fee to Blockbuster before the bank would approve my house loan, but a man impeached for election overturning and blackmail/Russian help in the election just got elected w Russia's help again, making him immune to penalty. 🧐
I applied for a super low-totem-pole government job once, like data entry for INS. It was like they were vetting me to be president. Fortunately a much better job came along, but one has to wonder.
When you're trying to enlist in any branch of service, you can't have any outstanding parking tickets, or any other misdemeanor violations. Felonies are a disqualification. Also, you have to pass the ASVAB. At least that's how it was when I enlisted.
I had to clear $1200.00 in unpaid medical bills and an unpaid $60.00 phone bill before I get get passed my Federal back ground check. These days felons and traitors just get hired no questions asked.
Let's face it, the standards are less than what the military requires. Lemme see if I remember... 35 years old, natural born citizen, ability to fog a mirror....
Sorry - it's a 4 year nightmare that we're all going to be stuck in, and if he takes our elections away, he'll be in power until he dies, and THEN we get the eyeliner queen, Tinkerbell Vance, forevermore.
I will never not be shocked that this is exactly where we are today. Nothing you could ever say will explain how we are allowing this criminal to sit in the Oval , again!!!
That what I am still asking myself , why will anyone vote the F head in . Now we are all in it together ........ what's crazy about this is those who voted him into power are here acting all clear😡, I got just word to y'all go ask for God mercy
I had to drive 12 hours to a small traffic court in Maine to get a disposition of a traffic summons before I could get accepted to NYPD. That was 1981.
The corruption within this wealthy white mans system have come out of the closet… in clear view.
Now instead of mostly black Americans experiencing this lawless system the rest of us will as well.
Welcome to the truth of America.
Cabinet of hollow oaths,
The people betrayed.
Republicans aren’t that crazy
I used to be in favor of it.
With you on this
I bet Gabbert and Hegseth couldn’t pass that same scrutiny to get a cabinet position
It's not red vs blue, your whole fascist gov't hates you.
Choosing an option provided by your oppressors only furthers your oppression.