That must be one of the most Orwellian statements ever. It’s bad enough to cut people’s benefits. To pretend some kind of higher “moral” duty while you’re doing so is insulting and offensive
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Always the cheapest target. In business terms, it's called "low-hanging fruit". The Jackpot and the change can only be made by removing the insane wealth that the rich have. It's just not right.
The inner cabal have completely lost the plot.
Explains why they've jumped so assiduously on the Ukraine bandwagon, it's the only figleaf big enough. 😢🇺🇦
Their plutocrat donors should be listed on every billboard in letters feet high.
There are a large number of people who are on long-term sickness benefit. There is also a crisis in the funding the NHS caused by Tory spending cuts. Could these two facts be linked?
In order for the country to produce and grow it needs investment in the people.
Even the IMF came to that conclusion and advised against continued austerity in Britain and other countries. In the case of Portugal and the reversal in policy worked in many ways.
Rather bizarre morality that prefers to starve and freeze British children whilst continuing with policies that economically favour the wealthiest people in society, and also refusing to fully and fairly tax phenomenally wealthy foreign corporations.
No, they see their moral duty to their donors - also as they spent years ridding the party of any progressive voices, why expect them to not have neoliberal views.
If they are cutting benefits are they cutting taxes? I pay my taxes happily in order to pay for the ability of people in distress to receive those benefits. Fuck this mentality tax the rich that’s a more socialist pov!
Whoever you vote for, the govt gets in. The political system is broken, corrupt and entirely out of date, utterly twisted and doesnt change. They just install a different leader now and again under a different flag in the same corrupt house of scumbags. Democracy is a lie and your vote means nothing
Profitshifting alone is estimated to cost the UK £17 bn in lost corporationtax annually.
Tackle THAT and tax evasion first before stigmatising the poor ever more.
Inequality is increasing & it's unsustainable.
This country apparently has more foodbanks than branches of mcdonalds.
But as we all know, it would be morally justifiable to tax those with extreme wealth, but are captured by those same tax dodging greedy bastards who use their influence to target and abuse those who need the help most.
"Punching down is such fun" - the new Labour tagline
I'm disabled and unable to work.
Labour are in control of our lives. We have no say in what happens to us, and it feels like nobody even cares. They will be killing us with these vile decisions.
This is not a Labour government.
It feels like we are being punished for being disabled.
There is ‘a really strong moral and progressive case’ to take money away from our sick and disabled so we can spend more on making people sick and disabled in other parts of the world by bombing them says Labour MP.
Are they on the Tory payroll? This is one of the cruelest things I have heard on welfare since the Poor Law amendments in 19th century. They're not interested in fighting the far right, are they?
If Labour MPs believe their constituents on sickness benefits would be “completely able” to work and that they have a moral duty to cut those benefits as a result...can we expect those same Labour MPs to have the moral courage to face those constituents when they do?
The rhetoric has always been obscene. As if you can make somebody well enough to work by the simple act of relabelling their social
security status and taking their money away.
And there's no moral duty to tax the billionaires as always grab from the poor and needy, Labour the New Conservative Party in it for themselves and bugger the country Starmer and Co should hang their heads in shame.
Just been reading a thread on UBI where trial results were very positive in terms of increase on labour and entrepreneurship and health.
Keeping people on (or below?) the breadline is *bad* for the economy. Giving people enough money, and time, to make their own lives better improves it.
Of course- giving people enough money so they can spend keeps businesses going and leads to a healthy economy. Austerity is always the favoured way to go for the wealthy
As a disabled person I am bricking it. Every few months its THIS! You get no relief be it Tories or their slightly redder equivalents.
Yes me too. When I was well enough to work I paid at least 70 a week in National Insurance, for 30 yrs, and this is what it was for. The whole narrative of "taking the mickey" is not possible. It is extremely hard to claim sickness benefits and the stress of doing so made my illness much worse
I do think it’s horrendous that over 1 million young people are NEET, Caroline. I think we should wait to see what support is proposed before declaring that any progress on this is Orwellian to be fair.
When you've finished waiting and seeing, I confidently predict there will be little or no real help (much of it useless or even harmful), absolutely no improvement to the actual jobs people are expected to do, but a whole lot of punishment and victim-blaming. We've seen this over and over and over.
Many MPs from sucessive governments don't have a clue about the benefit system. They make it sound like you can self diagnose and claim all kinds of benefits. For those in the "unfit for work", catagory the clue is in the title, forcing them into the work group will only lead to more ill health.
Agreed. Having been through both, I would say getting appropriate help with disability was harder than doing a law degree, which is how I used my time when my child was at school, to try to find a path back into work.
They treat us all like we have no self worth.
also, forcing to sign off in person, therefore stay in an area where are no jobs, and then sanctioning for not finding any, because they are stuck and can't travel, it's pure madness!!!
Administering that whole nonsense costs arm and leg. UBI would cost everyone much less, them money us health!
The Governments of Johnson, Truss & Sunak were bad enough, May as Hone Secretary was unmercifully brutal but Starmer & Reeves seem minded to worsen the lot of pensioners & benefit claimants with no compassion.
And hugely counterproductive to boot. Welfare claimants spend all or nearly all of the money they receive, which helps both them and the wider economy – a double benefit.
interesting that none of the backbench MPs making a moral case for the cuts wanted to put their name to their quotes. and by interesting i mean entirely predictable but equally suspicious of them.
What always gets forgotten is that National Insurance is our money, and covers benefits. Ive worked all my life at 48 til 4 years ago when I broke down mentally. Im now in treatment with hope to get well. Why should I be penalised for that? Cut MPs wages, kill house of lords and all their perks!
“We are basically abandoning a huge number of people,” the #LabourMP said, adding added that“many” colleagues wanted to make the “moral case” for reform."
Couldn't agree more"! So lets START by "morally reforming" the #CorporateWelfareBenefits of this bunch of immoral #Claimants!
In Scotland, we call them #RedTories. You see why.
But for some reason, Labour hate it and being called #Thatcheritte. But to be honest Thatcher is probably a bit too wet for this mob.
Dispose of house of lords and cut all MP subsidies and perks, like second homes, bonuses. Pay them a regular wage like anyone else. Make them travel on public transport. Stop Royal access to public money. Theres plenty money
Explains why they've jumped so assiduously on the Ukraine bandwagon, it's the only figleaf big enough. 😢🇺🇦
Their plutocrat donors should be listed on every billboard in letters feet high.
Even the IMF came to that conclusion and advised against continued austerity in Britain and other countries. In the case of Portugal and the reversal in policy worked in many ways.
Who is advising this govt?
More of that real politik, we suppose!
Tackle THAT and tax evasion first before stigmatising the poor ever more.
Inequality is increasing & it's unsustainable.
This country apparently has more foodbanks than branches of mcdonalds.
"Punching down is such fun" - the new Labour tagline
Labour are in control of our lives. We have no say in what happens to us, and it feels like nobody even cares. They will be killing us with these vile decisions.
This is not a Labour government.
It feels like we are being punished for being disabled.
I refer you to reasonable centrists for corrective advice.
I think we all know the answer.
security status and taking their money away.
Keeping people on (or below?) the breadline is *bad* for the economy. Giving people enough money, and time, to make their own lives better improves it.
Anyone of us can be ill.
Increasingly so.
Disabled people will be sacrificed on the altar of The Great God Growth
And voices speaking up for them will be relatively few
They treat us all like we have no self worth.
Administering that whole nonsense costs arm and leg. UBI would cost everyone much less, them money us health!
Labour are shit.
Couldn't agree more"! So lets START by "morally reforming" the #CorporateWelfareBenefits of this bunch of immoral #Claimants!
Willing to Help!💪
But for some reason, Labour hate it and being called #Thatcheritte. But to be honest Thatcher is probably a bit too wet for this mob.
A real moral duty is to help people!
Doing so while removing controls from Assisted Dying is …