How many times do we have to say it? *Austerity doesn’t work*. More cuts to public spending is economically illiterate and morally indefensible - people didn’t vote Labour to get more Tory austerity. FFS tax extreme wealth, don’t slash public services
Reposted from
The Guardian
Reeves to reveal biggest UK spending cuts since austerity in spring statement
Part of the problem is this " them and us " concept.
The government are is service to every person in Britain.
It's about time they saw this.
It is not intended to work.
Someone give her some pretty beads to play with.
He’s now utterly furious, feels completely betrayed & swears he will never 1/2
But more value in selling reduction of inequality. Except it needs simpler and better framing.
Making work pay a healthy living wage. Making work about building a better world for all life.
It's underestimating them to think it's only because they are economically illiterate. I mean, they are, but that's not why they're doing this.
No. We were LIED to and conned.
They showed every sign of intending to be as vicious towards disabled people as last time they were in government, but anyone pointing it out just got a load of abuse.
Some people may not have known what "working people" was code for, but they should have listened to those of us who do.
Labour does this because they do not think they have to earn the votes of traditional Labour supporters who they feel they can take for granted.
Labour supporters need to accept the party they once knew no longer exists.
They were telling us not to believe our eyes and ears while at the same time their government were briefing what they were telling us not to believe. I hope they realise the contempt their govt holds them in.
I wonder how many of the GTTO gang are starting to feel like they backed the wrong horse?
Guardian editors are very weak sauce. The whole thing seems like a brand polish over filler and lifted material. Less about taking a position, more about retaining legacy subscribers.
But we're going to suffer the "everything else" (ie cuts) before this happens (maybe next year).
Treasury-led thinking has so little imagination.