For me, it was realizing it's a normal thing and everytime I feel bad about my body it's because a man is profiting off an insecurity society (mostly men who are AHs) conditioned us to hate. Nothing is wrong with you 🫶🏻 and it's okay to not feel positive about it
Sometimes I just have to sit in the yuck 😔 sometimes I feel better within a day, sometimes it takes months. Body neutrality is something I am trying to practice, but I have been forced to look at my body critically for years and it's hard to not think negatively about everything about myself.
For me, it was paying attention to/seeking out bigger femme models online and admiring their curves and seeing the way different fashions and styles look on differently shaped people. Then - extending that same gaze to myself. It was a big shift from judgment that I usually harboured for myself
That’s a really good way to do it. Usually when I see someone my size or bigger I think they’re so pretty. Then I see myself and can’t say anything nice. It’s something I need to work on really bad.
I do love myself as a whole, and there are things about myself that I love. but I do love every part, it's just not possible, and I feel much better once I stopped trying to force it. you're so welcome :)
there are plenty of times when I do not like myself. and ive learned to kind of just let it happen, to let it run it's course. hoping you will get back to liking yourself soon 🖤
I fully and wholeheartedly do NOT recommend getting breast cancer and having them make new boobs out of your belly only they botched it so I had to start over. 0/10 worst plan ever
Oh I’m so sorry to hear to dealt with cancer. However I’m glad you’re here. Why would they use belly fat for boobs though? Wouldn’t implants make sense. Sorry if that’s an insensitive question. I’m sorry they did a bad job.
Lol, thank you, it is a very long & ridiculous saga. Of the many things that went wrong one was I got an infection around the skin expanders they put in so you'll have room for implants. That was the 2nd time I almost died. They had to take out too much tissue for implants which would've been too
im midsize - idk if this is helpful, but for me its more of a neutrality. i dont feel confident/love it, but i dont hate it either. ive more so reached a point where i see it as a body im housing while on this floating rock in space and not as an enemy to hate bc its kinda insignificant 🤷♀️
That’s a good way to see it. That’s how I feel. This is just the thing my soul inhabits. I don’t like it. But it’s what keeps me alive. I just really need to lose this weight. Last time I did it in a very bad way.
Really? I’m sorry that happened my friend. I just can’t seem to love my body as it is. I hate looking down and seeing fat on my body. Especially because I got in shape once. Then I gained it all back.
Then you know! It’s the worst. I was so happy when I was skinny. I felt confident in my body. I don’t now. Sure I get dressed up and take pictures. But I don’t feel great. I am hiding my body. The change room at the thrift the other sent me into a spiral.
There’s a girl on tiktok that has a tummy like mine. She shows how people pose and suck it in etc. And that’s why I follow her! She teaches a lot of body positivity.
I think my problem is my body and face not my angles LOL. Filters are my saving grace. My Mom barely has any photos from my teens because I wouldn’t pose for pictures.
I don’t think you’re fishing for compliments but I just want to say I think you’re so incredibly beautiful and I always love seeing you!!! You are your own worst critic and I know that’s super hard to deal with and very valid but just wanted to say 🖤✨