What needs to happen is to get the insurance racket out of routine health care entirely. Policies for unexpected, catastrophic illnesses and accidents are one thing but the FOR PROFIT insurance industry has wormed its way into everything and it’s literally killing us
Don’t worry because RFK is on the job and he will ban vaccines and that will solve everything. Who needs insurance when you can replace seed oil with tallow fat
With what? His concepts of a plan? He had 4 years to do it last time and all we heard for those 4 years is that his amazing best healthcare plan on the globe is “2 weeks away”. Why didn’t he?
I’m not a senior but was disabled at 49 and on Medicare. My drug costs are going up about $600/month starting in January. I’m screwed and it’s only going to get worse.
If you were to put a rich person in a situation where they worked an honest job 50-60 hrs a week and still couldn't afford viable healthcare, they would admit something was wrong. But instead they pretend a construction worker "isn't working smart enough" as if construction workers aren't important.
Even with insurance, I paid over $3000 for ankle surgery so I could walk again. Not enough for a tax write off, but enough to make spending any money on luxuries impossible and wipe out half of our emergency funds. Still not recovered over a year and half later.
My job literally for a large healthcare hospital system is to secure authorizations and collect deductibles - it’s only going to get worse. Working in utilization & review has opened my eyes that even with insurance there is no guarantee of benefits even with clinicals that a claim will be paid.
Private health insurance is a world wide scam. This is Australia: Chest pain, ambulance called, MRI, ECG & echocardiogram done, specialist heart surgeon consulted, pacemaker installed & tested, overnight hospitalization. Total cost - $24.00 - for parking...
This!!!! My son needs an MRI, and I have to decide between $1300 now because we haven’t met our deductible, or $3200 after January 1st, and then we I’ll have met the deductible for 2025. Or no MRI at all. Sadly, will likely be the third option.
Right? It's part of why I'm not in counseling even though it might help. $200/hr. even with insurance? I don't feel like I can justify that expense to my family.
Medicare sucks.
We do not need Medicare for All.
We do not need Medicare At All.
If Medicare was any good, we wouldn't need four supplements just to get half-assed insurance.
We need single-payer universal health care for all.
It is not the same thing.
Not even close.
If medicare was any damn good we wouldn't need four supplements to get half-assed health care.
You'll find out when you get there.
I know where it came from.
Bernie has all kinds of great intentions, but he has no idea how to present them properly.
Don't say that you want Med for All when you DON'T want Med for All.
Medicare would administer a single payer system if we ever got one is what I meant. That mechanism would not change. The outcomes would be far better however.
Exactly. Pharma and insurance companies are killing people. My meds per month without insurance is 32k with insurance depending range from 0-2000k so I get to choose so I get medication to save my life or roll the dice.
I had a similar situation this year. An emergency surgery to reattach my detached retina wiped out our HSA. If we have any unexpected medical expenses next year, we’re in the same situation.
Every election cycle, I hope for a candidate who will advocate for single-payer system. Every cycle, I'm disappointed. Over $20k per year in premiums and still $50 out of pocket for most visits, plus labs, etc. Also, found out our plan does NOT cover our daughter who goes to school out of state.
You could create a non profit with your other millionaire orthos to help fund deductibles. That way you don't lose the $$$$ on surgeries because the guy whose life will forever be painful can't pay.
Having said that, insurance constrains docs from "helping" patients with fees.
My wife just had Cart-T cell infused today. $1M US dollars. We didn’t pay a dime. 10 years of this disease with millions billed. Our only costs were deductible. Pre ACA she would have never made it this far. The ACA works.
Medicare just informed me that my migraine co-pay will be going up in 2025 from $30/month to $280/month. My BP med that is 50 yrs old will increase from $2/month to “not covered”. My long term meds have all changed from tier 1 drugs to now having 23% of cost co-pays. Yah, not good.
Or are surgeons charging too much?
We do not need Medicare for All.
We do not need Medicare At All.
If Medicare was any good, we wouldn't need four supplements just to get half-assed insurance.
We need single-payer universal health care for all.
Not even close.
If medicare was any damn good we wouldn't need four supplements to get half-assed health care.
You'll find out when you get there.
Bernie has all kinds of great intentions, but he has no idea how to present them properly.
Don't say that you want Med for All when you DON'T want Med for All.
Anyone…how do we fix us???
Having said that, insurance constrains docs from "helping" patients with fees.
Healthcare 4 All