Whaaaatttt the fuuuuuuck, my god we are all inside a 1970s movie starring the clumsiest, stupidest, and most awkwardly uncool wanna-be villains this side of Austin Powers.
Look at the lighting and the clothes! I swear my parents have pictures in a 1974 photo album somewhere that look JUST like this
I swear to God, how many times are they going to listen to that damn song? Sure it's a fun song to hear sometimes, but what normal person loves YMCA enough to listen to it daily?
Funny how the open borders are stopping them from celebrating. oh look guess all that bigotry was just to get elected on lies who would have guessed? Ride and shine tine to wake up.
I am reminded of the French aristocracy so steeped in their own importance that they missed the signs of the people fed up and coming for them. Until it was too late. So much pain, distrust and hatred. Yet the boobsy twins crank out the white-man sway like the whole world is theirs for the taking.
At the beach this morning no dogs allowed. I felt like if they said anything to me I was going to say no rapest allowed in the WH. Shouldn't have voted for him.
I'm in FL leaving today if I have to crawl out.
The people here kinda make those 2 look good.
Satan worshippers would be nicer.
Well, at least we know that in this situation... Muskrat cups the balls. And tRump strokes the shaft... HEY! We figured out who is top and who is bottom though. XD LOL
Dear gods. This is mortifying. On top of being vile criminal doucherags with too much money and power, do they really have to be the most excruciatingly awkward moronic clowns too?? The secondhand embarrassment is unbearable 😣
Musk is totally lost at that point 🙄
Look at the lighting and the clothes! I swear my parents have pictures in a 1974 photo album somewhere that look JUST like this
FElon weighs the balls.
Weirder yet, them making a gay disco song from the 70’s their ‘official’ anthem/party song for MAGA.
well don't feel it, interpret it
I'm in FL leaving today if I have to crawl out.
The people here kinda make those 2 look good.
Satan worshippers would be nicer.
When you watch them together she can't stand him to touch her even on the hand.
will cause shivers - not the good kind