This is what happens when you get ALL of your news via social media, tweets/truths, and other nonsense versus, once in a while, actually reading a newspaper article online or turning on the local news where they'll highlight these types of 'major changes' planned by political candidates SMH
"It's the Voters Fault!"
No it isn't. Full stop.
Someone who has plenty else to do during the day, working multiple jobs, taking care of family and various other responsibilities can only consume so much "news".
If it's the "Wrong" news then what?
Being un-aware isn't a reason to hate someone
This video features experts from Smart Elections, who have investigated elections. They state there are problems with the current election, as the numbers simply don't add up.
No, he’s lying. If he’s posting then he saw the conversations. He thought it wouldn’t apply to him. Now start peppering the sites where they live with some home truths presented in a sensationalist fashion to get their attention. Scare the begezuz out of them and urge them to rise up.
Yesterday, my 89 yo maga mother said to me, "Two hundred million people can't be wrong!" She said her radio station said that's how many voter for 🤡. I tried correcting her, but she was insistent + condescendingly laughed at the truth. We assume people aren't quite as ignorant as they really are.
Bring a kindred spirit with you. Ask her how many registered voters there are in the us? When she can’t answer, you and your friend need to both express your sincere concern about her mental health and let her know you’re calling mobile crisis because she is showing cognitive impairment. Tough love.
I told her all of that -- that there aren't even 200M registered voters, that there are apprx 350M ppl in the US not all voting age; told her she can search election results. I was driving + had to stop to bury my face in my hands whilst saying several times, "Mom, I'm really worried about you!"🤦🏼♀️😢
If you help her with budgeting or expense tracking, you can share with her the increases she can expect in her drug prices. Give her numbers. Be helpful.
If changes happen that affect her, she'll notice. However, if 🦊 blames Biden/Dems, as they do, she'll believe them. Even if shown proof, like, something that didn't exist but 🤡 created, she'll regurgitate 🦊 or make excuses.
I don't help that stuff. She's very capable/active + looks younger. That's y I was worried. No dementia or anything (knock on wood), but she believes all on 🦊. The one thing, tho, is she doesn't hear well even w/hearing aids, so she may have misheard/misunderstood. Never admits wrong. Just like 🤡.🤔
My mother,a lifelong Dem,was at my home this fall and every other commercial between the afternoon full of Judge TV shows was about Kamala letting prisoners have sex changes and she believed it!Dems refuse to grasp the power of suggestion which can turn a fragile octogenarian into a right voter.
Awful, just awful. Did you ever ask why she doesn’t believe you any more? She raised you to know right from wrong, truth from deceit. What has she lost trust in herself and you by extension?
My father(also lifelong Dem)passed away last summer and my mom spends most of her time with my right leaning sister which I also attribute her biases I witnessed.That being said it is my belief that she didn’t vote because she was out of her district at my sisters and has never voted absentee.
Also, the musk end of things can be a way in. Someone of that age lived through WWII and it’s aftermath. An illegal from Africa that is taking over. We didn’t vote for him, did we? Why is he poisoning trump’s mind, etc.? All these terri le things happening, why are they betraying us?
I ask "are you saying Trump is easily manipulated?" but that triggers cognitive dissonance. "Trump is a strong leader so he can't be but then it would mean Trump supports him which isn't true because he's 'one of us.'"... Well, they could say "the deep state" got Trump through Musk...
I'll try a little of that very carefully. She gets nasty when she thinks she's being criticized. We've gotten into horrible fights, ultimately about nothing important -- just the "you're brainwashed" stuff even when I remind her I watch + read numerous sources even 🦊 (to hear what they're hearing).
I wonder if you could find a scapegoat (not someone you know obviously). This way THEY can be wrong while SHE can teach you. I'll be honest, my pastime on Instagram is to troll trolls so I'm trying to be careful in how I'm making these suggestions cause I've gotten used to button pushing on purpose
This video features experts from Smart Elections, who have investigated elections. They state there are problems with the current election, as the numbers simply don't add up.
Imagine how much worse people will be because of P2025 and removing evolution from school curriculums, black history, etc. Generations won't know anything and won't be receptive. Marge Greene didn't believe the Holocaust was real.
I’ll do better…he’s lying! He’s ashamed he allowed his prejudice to make the wrong decision! He bought into the lie he’s not ONE OF THEM, he’s like US(aka White), he didn’t care about anyone but himself, now he knows his LIE is like the Scarlet Letter! We see it! Now he’s going to feel it! IMO!
Stupid people voted for Trump, and stupid people stayed home because they thought they were doing something, and boy did they do something. Hope all these fucks suffer.
This video features experts from Smart Elections, who have investigated elections. They state there are problems with the current election, as the numbers simply don't add up.
Oh, you say you don't follow the politics of the person you are voting for. 🤔 Well, that's brilliant and makes complete sense. Of course, that is completely irresponsible.
Prior to voting, voters should be assigned a short quiz on the position of each candidate on, for example, abortion access, immigration policy, tax policy.
If anyone is stupid enough not to understand the differences, they get turned away from the ballot booth.
I am actually in favor of EVERYBODY having to take a standardized CIVICS test before being allowed to even register, the same way you have to take a written test to get a Driver's License. Anybody that says idiotic stuff like "The PRESIDENT of Puerto Rico" (Trump) should be barred from voting
It’s this that is so infuriating.I have little sympathy for this voter because unless he was living in a cave he had ample opportunity to educate himself prior to voting.😡
Parody or not. There are absolutely mouth breathers like this. People vote against their interest out of ignorance and believe what ever lie they want to fit their view and ignore the parts they don’t agree with. FAFO
Let’s be real. Some people are lazy and ignorant about most things that aren’t spoon fed to them. Wastes of genetic material they are. 15M-200M sperm per shot and they were the fastest. I shudder to think what other abominations could have come from that.
They f*cked around, now they finding out… good lord these people are dummies if they are literally just now waking up! It’s been so obvious for years now. Too little too late. Now they gotta find out what happens when they don’t pay attention.
And this is the problem in a nut shell “ I don’t pay attention” next time your vote is needed, educate yourself!! Trump is the BIGGEST liar on our planet. You’ve had Eight years to figure it out, but you weren’t paying attention.
America is going to become dumber, once Trumps administration starts messing with the Board of Education, and that’s what they want, a majority of uneducated citizens are very easy to manipulate and believe what ever they tell them 🤥🤥
As long as FOX can dose 24/7 sewage of lies, propaganda, and misinformation meant to influence Americans will be at each other’s throats! FOX earns massive 💰from advertising. And they’re ok with their sewage! They are dangerous to America 🇺🇸
I could rationalize not caring for folks like this, but unfortunately their stupidity has had far wider consequences than their immediate pain. Our society will suffer far more than just deportation of folks who's only "crime" was being born other than MAGA white.
Ignorance is a reason, not an excuse! Have people learned nothing from his mishandling of the pandemic, the 30K+ lies, the inability for him to accept criticism, Jan 6, etc.? Jeezus.
Being American (a nation of immigrants) requires constant vigilance in this immense responsibility and gift. The fact some voted for Trump shows America’s weakness. Now ‘We the people’ may be required to defend her🇺🇸against the domestic threat created by the ignorance that’s been with humans always🙏🏼⚖️
Go into your Profile click on the "Following" option & you may find a few surprises. Another person made a post that her Profile indicated she was now following Trump, FLOTUS & JD Vance. I checked mine, showed the same. I have since Unfollowed&BLOCKED /1
Maybe you should have watched the clip of him coming down the escalator and announcing his first candidacy. Correct me if I am wrong...but I think he mentioned Mexicans in that speech.
He knew. He chose to ignore it, probably called it fake news and propaganda and believed it wouldn't apply to him. He got what he voted for. No sympathy.
I am in Washington DC area and know a lot of people like this. You could point it out at the time and the words would just wash over them. You know that they couldn't believe this is possible in America.
True! But we all can access unbelievable amts of info but people make no effort to educate themselves.They would rather spend mindless time scrolling useless videos or watching 1 station and believing every stupid thing uttered. Where is common sense? Why do they not question what they are told?
I get it. I'm no longer friends w/my oldest friend -- since 2nd grade -- because of our political differences + her choice not to look beyond 🦊. I grew tired of asking people if it was odd to them that '🤡 is never wrong. No one is never wrong.' Obviously, they don't think it's odd.🤦🏼♀️
Right!! He never did anything wrong and never had to ask for forgiveness 🙄
I have family members I don’t really talk to anymore.
…but you know…such good christians
That particular friend describes herself as exactly that -- a good Christian girl. Whatever that means. These years, it isn't something to be proud of considering their standards are so low.
Spanish version of WH HP. Button leading to english version of homepage "ofc". Annilihate a big part of the population by mouse-click so to say.
It couldn't be any clearer by now?
Why would anyone vote without doing research? Hell, social media could’ve told him anything he wanted to know. Has he been hiding under a rock for the past eight years?
Those are the people who voted for him, and the people who don’t like abiding by the rule of law, and the white rich folk who don’t like paying their fair share in taxes, and corporations who don’t like restrictions on polluting our air and water, those are the deplorable’s that put him in office 😡
I honestly didn’t know the depth of it until this election.
My best friend, a person I’ve known for 23 years, voted for Jill Stein. Someone who I considered the most intelligent person I’ve ever known, effectively voted against my reproductive rights, as well as my daughter’s.
we're all responsible to learn before voting. how can you support a party if you don't know what direction they want to go.
not the dems's his 100%
MAGAts who voted/Drumpty are too ignorant to realize they voted against their own best interests. They'll have buyer's remorse the minute they begin to lose jobs & gvt. subsidies & migrant workers. Jobs paid for by Biden's policies will disappear, people will default on loans- it'll be a 2008 repeat
Sorry. It’s Sad enough being a Wizards fan but even Sadder is just finding out Trump doesn’t care about you or your family after already voting for him
Great illustration of why they're scrambling to control social media. They completely engineer and curate your experience.
They're taking us by the hand and walking us towards certain information and conclusions.
We see and hear what they need us to see and hear.
No it isn't. Full stop.
Someone who has plenty else to do during the day, working multiple jobs, taking care of family and various other responsibilities can only consume so much "news".
If it's the "Wrong" news then what?
Being un-aware isn't a reason to hate someone
I’ll let karma work it out from there.
Can’t wait to say I told you so.
If anyone is stupid enough not to understand the differences, they get turned away from the ballot booth.
In fact, if you DO keep up with politics, same question?
Seriously, no sympathy for anyone who voted this pathetic Hitler wannabe into power.
(AM I the only one who loves that joke?)
America really is a deeply stupid country.
If you still have a Facebook Page
Go into your Profile click on the "Following" option & you may find a few surprises. Another person made a post that her Profile indicated she was now following Trump, FLOTUS & JD Vance. I checked mine, showed the same. I have since Unfollowed&BLOCKED /1
FAFO….about to find out!
I have family members I don’t really talk to anymore.
…but you know…such good christians
It couldn't be any clearer by now?
Only if they’re literally blind AND deaf AND profoundly intellectually
My best friend, a person I’ve known for 23 years, voted for Jill Stein. Someone who I considered the most intelligent person I’ve ever known, effectively voted against my reproductive rights, as well as my daughter’s.
he voted without learning trumps platform?
not the dems's his 100%
I didn't see the bridge out sign, I just flew into the river and my car sank.🫠