the lesson people take from the poem is that you can't look away, you have to speak up immeidately, not just when you are affected.
which isn't wrong, but...
which isn't wrong, but...
so the danger is not just indifference; the danger is that you may see the fascists as a chance to crush groups you don't like.
PBS took down LGBTQIA+ history from its teaching resources, erasing history—NY & LGBTQ+ history—even tho there was no mandate they do so. Just rolling over, and no real justification
That's why he wrote a long mea culpa after the war.
Some of them are feeling legitimately bamboozled because of cultural and information silos
Not supporting is all the support these kind of regimes need.
What's clearer is that he also tried to bribe the Dwarves to his side.
I might add a these-times relevant counterpoint; helping behavior is also not a binary on/off. Many Holocaust rescuers did not do so immediately. Many took money but still helped after the money ran out (eg Leopold Socha)
Thank you.