Whenever I see someone with a username like GaryBob2936 I like to think that they started with GaryBob1 and just kept going till they found one that hadn't been taken
Step 1: Find your favorite letters - m,r,k,o
Step 2: Scramble them until you like it
Step 2.1: Add some more to feel nice - Okreem
Step 3: Use same letters chosen in step 1 for future games with some modifications - Makreem, Rekam, Kamree...
When a game has character customization that you can’t change so I never start it because I don’t want to make a character that I’m later not happy with and have to restart the whole game so I just end up giving up on it.
The oldest mmo still active on the internet was originally launched on GEnie in 1988. But in either case, the number of users still playing is a microscopic fraction of their peaks.
I hate it when they have this mechanic in video games. You think of a good name and then they say it's taken. I hate it so much I wish developers stop adding it in EVERY RPG game
One way i learned from a meme is to just shift your name on the alphabet one letter higher. So a name like Dan becomes Ebo. Will say it doesn't always works. By the way tge meme name was Anna so the name became Boob 😆
Procrastination: the MMO boss we can never quite defeat. 😂 Anyone else take ages to come up with the 'perfect' name, only to find it already taken? #GamerStruggles #Relatable
me, a female, choosing my handle on a (back then, extremely male-dominated) MMORPG: okay I've got it, I'll be
literally every male player: what does your handle even mean
I, too, have character names from clear back in the late 70s that are still in use today.
More contemporary, I sometimes use the protagonist from an abandoned novel with fair regularity. Gonna be awkward if I ever finish editing it and actually publish.
I usually default to using my OC's name... which is taken like 99% of the time haha. Plan B is to take some monster's name from a niche RPG instead! Sleathen is usually my go-to now.
I'm just impressed when those are taken
like "alfred of paine"
or "Slondo Gondorson"
Punching-bag the tank
Superpoke the assassin
HELR the cleric
Black_robe the DPS caster
Romance => Ecna'Mor
jsif becomes Josifel for example
Step 2: Scramble them until you like it
Step 2.1: Add some more to feel nice - Okreem
Step 3: Use same letters chosen in step 1 for future games with some modifications - Makreem, Rekam, Kamree...
The oldest mmo still active on the internet was originally launched on GEnie in 1988. But in either case, the number of users still playing is a microscopic fraction of their peaks.
Name it after your medication!
Change it up a little for fun tho.
Like: Dextros M'thorphan.
(I had a cold recently lol.)
It’s like trying to have a vanity plate in California with good spelling.
Yeah, those suckers are -gone-.
Random hash of consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel. Avoid Q and X, but anything else goes.
End in "ia" (female) or "in" (male)
that's a accolade
🙌🏼 They will be my IGNs for all of time!
because for some reason they are ALL taken a good 99% of the time
literally every male player: what does your handle even mean
Those are just off the dome
More contemporary, I sometimes use the protagonist from an abandoned novel with fair regularity. Gonna be awkward if I ever finish editing it and actually publish.
I am Dyo Kane in FFXIV
Keep using it until everyone forget that you blatantly copied it from a book.
My old username: RADAGAST.