The idea that all adaptation/evolution happens on a timescale of slow millennia is a myth. Within one or two generations of breeding foxes, we found the friendly ones produce different colours and ears. Darwin's old ass book mentions finch beaks changing shape yearly, so we've known this for a bit 😅
Epigenetics and stress-induced methylation has enormous impact on gene expression. Rapid adaptation on much shorter time lines compared to traditional mutation and selection based models of evolution.
Evolution can happen fast. I saw it occur over 5 days in Microbiology lab. We streaked bacteria on a blood auger plate, placed antibiotic discs, and incubated on a Monday. Same with the survivors on Wednesday. By Friday, they grew on the antibiotic discs.
I’m black and I’m proud- ribbit”
I wonder if these dark skin frogs struggle to maintain appropriate vitamin D (and calcium) levels?
humanity will all be a uniform shade of black???