Because I suspect this is going to get lost in the flood of everyone paying attention to Elon, here is the current, Russia-supporting Secretary Of The United States admitting outright that he understands Russia likely has plans on invading other European nations.
These fucking republicans are so pathetic
Once Marco gets chewed up and spat out, give it a few years and he will be promoting a book about how bad trump was all along and how he can't believe what a moron he was. Yadda Yadda.
He's in the choir, now:
"And say thank you…"
What a dangerous, sycophantic POS he's become.
It’s all unbelievable at times.
I suspect this is very much a Kinsley Gaffe.
Starlink is a satellite SERVICE and those services are being paid for. If Starlink shuts off those services WHICH HAVE BEEN PAID FOR then they are unreliable as a service and hostile as a business and you don't thank someone for being unreliable and hostile!! gads!!
Tik tak tik tak
Like Tucker
So Putin own their ass’s
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Russian troops are on the border with Poland. Permanently in the occupied Królewiec (aka Kaliningrad), and every year at the “West” military exercise with Belarus, where the war game is a simulated invasion of Poland.
This is why the East Shield exists.
I would think the Russia-supporting thing to say is that of course Russia plans to behave itself, hasn't it always? 🙄